31 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/31/2007 09:36:00 PM
He Said She Said.
after cca today,
Haziqah and me went to North Point.
and on the train,
AMK station- was with Ting Ling 'cos we saw her when walking to MRT station
YCK station- i saw many sec 4s there.
so i was telling haziqah "please don't let me see my sister"
then she appeared!
went to North Point and spent most of the time at Popular
not to see the books there
we went there and looked at the board games and DOLLS over there!
and Haziqah is so in love with Eeyore and Strawberry Shortcake!
took some pics but i'm lazy to post.
there's still cyber tmr ):
♥ It's a typical love story
30 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/30/2007 10:11:00 PM
He Said She Said.
there's nothing to blog about today
cyber was boring.
'cos we slacked the whole time
and i'm busy with planning "outings" today
one month after your birthday!
you're gng to get a BIRTHDAY SURPRISE from us
like seriously,
one month after your birthday
but we're sincere okay!
do appreciate! :D
read this post and get bored to death!
how mean!
and anyway,
do go to this blog:
www.aalteam.blogspot.comit's in my links too
its damn funny.
and enjoy!
thanks Amanda for the link!
♥ It's a typical love story
29 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/29/2007 08:50:00 PM
He Said She Said.
TIGGER, POOH, peter?



the two 'DARLINGS'




threesome (:

here are more photos during raya!
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/29/2007 01:15:00 PM
He Said She Said.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHENG XUEYING a.k.a CUEYIP :xthis girl must be enjoying life out there with her sec school friends and forget all about Amanda and me!
i know you'll miss us!
so sorry we didn't celebrate your birthday with you today
but we know you'll surely enjoy yourself with your sec school friends (:
and remember to remain cheerful and don't let off any of your CRAP!
if you do,
i'll kill you!
those are the precious memories we have shared ok!
XueYing XueYingi have known you since
and we HATE each other at that time.
'cos I was the monitress,
and i SO LOVED to complain you to Mrs Ong every single time you talked
and so you hated me.
and you've got your revenge in
when YOU became the monitress
and complained me to Mrs Ong every time i talked.
i fully understand the song title "WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND"
it's very funny 'cos i still can't get the reason why Mrs Ong only bothered to change the monitress and the monitor remained as where he was for TWO WHOLE YEARS
the forever ideal monitor in Mrs Ong's eyes
pretty unfair isn't it?
and SOMEHOW we were made to partner each other during assembly in
PRIMARY THREE.and that was when the Secret Book and everything came about
we love each other so much that we became best friends of that year!
then Anthonia came in and joined the Secret Book thing and made you leave the "book"
and so,
we "lost contact"[didn't talk to each other]
but we were still in the same class :D
our friendship remained stagnant until
PRMARY SIX.that was when EVERYTHING came in again
thanks to ABIGAIL TAN! [mickey]
and all the football thing
my main aim was to go accompany Abigail to kill time[NOT to join you in Soccer]
and somehow you were there with ChingYee and the rest.
then we somehow talked alot to each other and became very good friends.
and Lanjut M'sia "camp" brought us closer.
for we landed in the same group and were super happy
regretted not choosing the same room as you.
and all the crap that you gave me and made me laugh
those unforgettable memories.
you're a SUPER SPAS girl
and continue that "cut the crap[crab], chop the lobster, slice the prawns" thing.
and not forgetting Abigail's pervertic "SQUEEZE the octopus" -.-
that was how we all ended up laughing away.
and Amanda came in.
and brought us even close[together with her]
and in
SECONDARY ONE, all the UnitedThree, ScoobyDoo, Spongebob, MOJO JOJO and all those crap came out.we've been ENEMIES, BEST FRIENDS, GOOD FRIENDS etc. throughout the 7 years that we know and interacted with each other.
hope we have a NEVER-ENDING friendship together with AMANDA a.k.a ZZZmanda!
once again,
and don't grow up!
don't let go of the CRAP!
miss you loads!
meet up soon!
we have yet to celebrate your birthday darling.
better give us a date soon!
CPS and CPS choir ROCKS!
♥ It's a typical love story
28 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/28/2007 06:46:00 PM
He Said She Said.
just went jogging.
felt giddy after that.
weather's funny
i felt funny
everything's funny.
even the trees looked funny -.-
maybe because i felt giddy.
that's why everything around me moved.
came back and thrashed ShuHui thrice in Minesweeper!
i'm in a winning streak!
i'm off to bathe now.
and rest assured,
there's nomore posts from me anymore today!
i think readers are getting bored -.-"
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/28/2007 04:30:00 PM
He Said She Said.
HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY TO LANJUT M'SIA TRIP FOR P6S '06it's been a year since the trip to Lanjut Malaysia
it might not be like Singapore chalets, providing super good service.
but it has been a great place!
i remember on this day ['06],
at this time,
we're at the little island,
clam picking :D
and then we're back to the hotel like chalet
my roommates and i[Luisa, Abigail, WingSang, Me] got the room beside the guys.
shall not post my displeasure towards them[the guys] here
but basically,
they're QUITE nice lah
IF you compare them to their attitude in sch,
they're nice lah.
if not,
and the food there ain't nice
but the ppl there [friends, tchrs, etc.] are super nice!
and i rmb on the first night,
we went for the night walk
it's like SUPER SCARYYYYYYY 'cos me and XueYing were trapped with the ghost.
too bad XueYing and me weren't VERY VERY SUPER good friends at that point of time.
it's been a year and i'm surprised we're still as united :D
although we didn't land in the same school.
XueYing and me fell into the same group in Lanjut.
pity Abigail for not going for the Night Walk.
it's damn fun and thrilling can
and the guys are chicken
worse than the girls
they pushed XueYing and me to the front
and remained at the back
and Duncan even held XueYing's hand 'cos he was scared
damn hilarius lah!
and XueYing was being called Podolski by Fazly, who was wearing a 'BECKHAM' tee
so i called him Beckham
and thought Podolski was a monkey
and XueYing's bluetooth name at that time was "Gorilla Toot 2"
that's how Podolski the gorilla came about
and the swimming thing.
too bad i didn't bring my goggles
the exercise was super spastic.
and i didn't really do it
and i almost lost my specs
until when i went for the Night Jungle War Game,
Mr Lee asked who lost her specs
then found out its MY specs
then happily went for the Night Jungle War game
the game goes like this:
you're supposed to go into the jungle at night with an egg
the ppl inside have designed obstacles
you have to overcome them without breaking the egg
you have to finish this whole thing with your group
the ppl in there will also spray paint at you when you walk pass them
the group with the most number of eggs protected wins!
my egg didn't break :D:D:D
but obviously my group didn't win
and i remember my group had an awful name.
that me and XueYing laughed over it a whole big time
and we went for firefly watching
the guys caught them in bottles.
and the mosquitoes fed on me ):
the woodball was boring
and the treasure hunt was funnyyyy!
everybody was enjoying the sea breeze and the waves
and nobody was searching for the stuff!
all the days there were spent so memorably
i'll never forget the last day when we parted with that place
everybody didn't want to leave
obviously i didn't want to either.
but all good things come to an end.
so we sadly left that place filled with beautiful memories
to all the p6s '07 of Canberra Primary:
treasure all your time there and participate in all activities although they give you a choice to either participate or don't participate.
and behave yourself, or mr lee is gng to put you into solitary confinement in room 103[see i rmb the room, 'cos its just below ours, room 203]
enjoy your time there tmr!
tmr's XueYing's birthday! :D:D:D
heh. i've got the wrong date.
it's 2 days later.
but whatever!
you can read this post 2 days later! :D:D
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/28/2007 02:49:00 PM
He Said She Said.
here are all the pics i have currently
some are edited :D


LOVEL_HAZIQAH. [we're NOT real twits ok! just acting :D]

SHH.. dun disturb the couple there!

US! my head's incredibly small D:
♥ It's a typical love story
27 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/27/2007 10:48:00 PM
He Said She Said.
27th October '07
went visiting today
it's super fun!
wore the malay traditional costume.
went to Haziqah's, Salmah's and Sherry's house
the food are nice!
i think i'm gng to fall sick soon.
today is just so nice.
i'll edit this post tmr for further elaboration.
right now i'm tired!
i'm waiting for the pictures in Haziqah's cam too!
28th October '07yes, i'm really sick
a little runny nose and a little cough
thanks to the amount of chocos i had
but they're so irresistable
i can't resist the temptation :D
went to Haziqah's house first and got changed into Salmah's traditional costume.
the material made me perspire alot.
but it's nice
then we took pictures.
and the scarf i wore made my head look super
haha! whatever.
so long as i had FUN (:
then we watched VCD
i forgot the title.
but whatever it is,
i don't really understand the story 'cos the whole clip was 3 hours long.
and therefore,
Salmah and Haziqah keep forwarding the clip
then we went to sherry's house.
i use 'SHERRY' 'cos i don't know how to spell his real name.
yea it's a HE
then his parents thought i was a malay!
and there came the spicy food.
i can't finish it
too spicy!
went to Salmah's house after that.
her house is near my previous house.
so i went pass that route.
where bus 86 always drive pass.
i miss that place so damn much
Salmah's house is nice!
and the food are obviously nice!
then took some pics.
and Salmah's parents' room damn nice lah!
went home only at 9pm.
reached home at around 9.40pm?
i'll post the pics another day
Haziqah haven't send me ALL the pics.
PS. and i found out Haziqah has got the same cam as me! just that the colour is different. mine's DARK BLUE [NOT black lah, Haziqah]. and hers is silver? LOL
♥ It's a typical love story
26 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/26/2007 09:35:00 PM
He Said She Said.
the christmas cards

the birthday cards

i'm surprised how christmas cards can be more than birthday cards.
but it's the thought that counts.
and not forgetting XueYing's and Amanda's effort to send them to me
thanks to XueYing's intelligence and my stupidity
i should have guessed why she wanted my house address.
so that she can mail it to me.
i packed all my stuff today!
spent 3 hours packing up everything
and i found many cards in my drawer
they're all received last year.
by XueYing, Amanda, Yolande, Abigail and many more.
those sweet people
hope you're reading this post now.
THANK YOU for everything
you people gave me so much fun last year.
back to the packing
i found so many assesments undone
all left by my sister though
but they're for me
so i guess i have to do them during the holidays
lucky they're maths and science
can polish those 2 hell subjects
now my table's filled with assesment
i'm gng out to haziqah's house tmr.
then to salmah's
YES i'm never going to rot.
and YiTing and ShuHui have decided to go to EastCoastPark on the 4th
and calling some guys along
'cos kevin just so happened to ask where we're gng during the hols.
:D how timely
i'm going to so love this holiday
and noone is supposed to ruin it in any way
although mr nathan has alr done that!
man, i hate him
♥ It's a typical love story
25 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/25/2007 06:54:00 PM
He Said She Said.
3rd post today
just went to jog
and it's like super HOT
and i just remembered my earpiece spoilt the previous time i went jogging.
and someone PLEASE tell me who the hell this number belong to.
it's guy who called me last night and tell me some crap
the number is:
someone please tell me!
your help is MUCH MUCH appreciated (:
[edited at 8.12pm]
i'm lazy to post 4 posts in one day
so i shall edit this one.
look at this video
it's a jap game.
and nobody is supposed to laugh regardless how funny the clip is
or else you'll get punished.
credits: youtube, zm -.- [see i put you under credits]
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/25/2007 04:58:00 PM
He Said She Said.
the rose without leaves.

the rose petals.

all the nice nice 1/3-ians

♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/25/2007 04:16:00 PM
He Said She Said.
last day of school today was 'slacking time'
salmah gave me a rose she got.
she [yesterday]promised to give me today
first few periods were taken by the prize giving presentation
then was recess
then wan ting the blur queen did something SUPER FUNNY
i still can't stop laughing when i think about it.
recess was from 9.40am to 10.40am
i went down for recess at 9.50am and ate for a super long time.
and why?
YiTing, WanTing, ShuHui, WaiSiong and me were laughing at some people :x
then after eating,
we 'threw' our plates and wanted to go back to class
that was when i saw Steven
WanTing used to say he got *** ****.
me: eh *** **** leh!
[he's RIGHT INFRONT of her]
WanTing: where?
me: [keep pushing her forward and she's only about 5cm away from Steven, but her eyes was looking at some other direction, looking for steven -.-]
WanTing: where where where?
suddenly Steven stopped and turned around
then he made the shocked sound
'cos WanTing was SUPERRRRR near him.
almost gng to kiss him [exaggerating
abit, REALLY]then WanTing also made the shocked sound
their facial exprssions were HILARIOUSSS
then Steven said "eh i not ZhangMing lah!"
after recess,
went back to class.
miss ng told me to empty the bin -.-
like why me?
then mrs yeo took over
i played with the rose salmah gave
[stop saying is ZhangMing give one lah! lol]and we took pics with mrs yeo.
we're not going to see her anymore.
until when we're sec 3.
'cos she's resting for a year
played with WanTing awhile
and then went to mac.
stayed there awhile and came home
today i'm home earlyyy!
so i'm going to jog
i'm going to miss all 1/3-ians during the holidays
but there's a whole lot of time that i'm going for cyber
and i've decided NOT to do CE project anymore
PS. mr ang, mrs lim, mjr chong, miss thoo sang today
♥ It's a typical love story
24 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/24/2007 08:50:00 PM
He Said She Said.
today's photosDONALD DUCK!

the guys in fashion show

ghost of amanda!

real donald duck (:

amanda and me!

yesterday's photos
the buildings on the way to suntec (:

the sleeping beauties

NXT parts

jumping jacks!

♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/24/2007 07:47:00 PM
He Said She Said.
arts fest today was boringggg
i wore class tee and white pants
wan ting agreed to wear the same thing as me!
but in the end,
yi ting, shu hui and her wore class tee with PE shorts
according to amanda,
that's such a wet blanket.
bingo-ed all the way till recess
then took back report book
HMT got 60/100 (B4)
but for the average,
ENGLISH- 59 (C5)
HMT- 62 (B4)
SCIENCE- 68 (B3)
HISTORY- 67 (B3)
DnT- 72 (A2)
my results suck ALOT can?
went to watch the drama play for arts fest
and the dance elite
then went to 3/7 awhile
then went to cyber near dismissal time
alvin wants me and wan ting to pack lab
we packed like so superrrrrr long yesterday
and sean toppled the whole NXT box with parts
went to mac aft sch to take lunch
then met amanda at 3.30pm
[xueying don't jealous ah]
window shopped
took pics
then went home
didn't jog today
'cos i reached home at 7pm
♥ It's a typical love story
23 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/23/2007 07:48:00 PM
He Said She Said.
soooo tiring and fun today
still haven't get back HMT results.
and i'm not at all looking forward to it
today had maths trail at suntec
the teachers purposely held it before the shops operate
and my team facilitator is bo yao
and he keep bringing us to the wrong places and keep making us run until we get very very tired.
muscle ached after the maths trail
arvind was asking me where's "toys 'r' us"
so i said i don't know
and i REALLY don't know
went for CE stuff after dismissal.
1/3 only had 2 students who need to go for meet the parents' session.
then at 1pm,
i went for cyber
then omar did everything and we just slacked
haziqah came in at 1.45pm
then we went to eat the pizzas at 2++pm
i ate 4 slices
and the rest "dun allow" me to eat more.
it's just 4 slices lah.
the guys eat more right
WingSang, NianTee and Jane all ate 2 slices
Haziqah ate 3 and i ate 4
and WingSang sent me the Potential Break Up Song after playing thumb game with me 3 times
after eating,
mr nathan wants us to throw all the empty boxes
then WingSang wanted to take photos of the pizza boxes in the dustbin.
then haziqah ran up the stairs and said
"last one to reach the lab loves alvin"
then everyone chiong but WingSang taking pics
so we were panting when we reached the lab
then i dared WingSang to say "i love you" to alvin
then she really go say
then alvin blushed [according to haziqah]
then the other times when we go toilet we used the same thing.
then run too much.
muscle ache again.
[my stamina damn bad lah]
then had the competition
we got 3rd
thanks to omar.
so we gave the voucher to him
then when dismissing,
haziqah told mr nathan that we girls should receive training frm the "trainers"
'cos we get too distracted at times
thanks to kavin, sean etc playing all the time
but haziqah only said we got distracted by the guys
then mr nathan was saying we're attracted to them
then mr nathan wanted the girls to pack lab tmr
so we decided to pack today lah.
just HALF the lab
we rlly cleared HALF the lab ok!
its like SOO tiring
cos that side the area is bigger
and much MESSIER
so tmr the guys only have to pack NEXT HALF of the lab
which is quite easy
we packed from 5.45pm to 6.30pm ok!
it's almost 1 hour
after that we took pics of ourselves jumping
damn funny!
then when we wanted to leave the lab, its quite dark
then this "auntie" who goes arnd locking the doors was standing OUTSIDE the lab
then just nice when she wna come in to tell us to get out,
we opened the door
then we screamed lah!
went to the toilet.
and i made alot of noise
went down the WRONG staircase
and when climbing up,
i was screaming
got out of school after toilet-ing
then nian tee found out she forgot her hp and wallet
ran back to school,
ran to look for tchr
for the keys
mucle ache AGAIN -.-
and its alr like 6.55pm
then left school at 7++pm
and reached home at arnd 7.30pm
dinner-ed and blogged
i've yet to bathe =x
♥ It's a typical love story
22 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/22/2007 08:22:00 PM
He Said She Said.
and i've changed my tagboard colour.
can't find anything that can suit grey
LIMEgreen sucks with grey
or rather GREY sucks with LIMEgreen
no offence to GREY lovers
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/22/2007 06:55:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i've gt all my results back.
except HMT
i shall name it from the lowest to the highest.
so far the results that i have are damn stupid and lousyyy
MATHS- 54/100 (C6)
SCIENCE- 60/100 (B4)
ENGLISH- 64/100 (B4)
GEOGRAPHY- 66/100 (B3)
VISUAL ARTS- 72/100 (A2)
DRAMA- 73/100 (A2)
HISTORY- 73/100 (A2)
DnT- 74/100(A2)
bad news- NO A1s.
good news- all passes
told you i'll 'flunk' my maths paper
got a pathetic C6.
went to school after missing so many buses -.-
haziqah gave me KETUPAT with chocos inside
then miss ng came and went through maths paper
its not even her lesson can?
then mrs yeo came in and gave us ALL our results except HMT
then wan ting was sad 'cos she failed a subject
so we comforted her and stuff
we as in yiting, shuhui and me.
then after recess bingo-ed all the way until sch ends
but nearing dismissal time,
mr chin came in and gave back some answer scripts
then he told us that wan ting won in the "hui4 hua" competition thing
its on describing a picture in the most creative way lah.
dismiss alr went to mac.
and continued to play bingo with zm
played till 2.30pm and went back to sch for CCA
and also to pay school fees
went for CCA and was briefed on the competition tmr
then haziqah taught me on some programming (:
and sean asked whether the rest are learning =x
after CCA went to buy cheese fries and went home.
took bus with nian tee and haziqah
ohya! and i jogged yesterday
but nt today
'cos i reached home at 6.15pm ):
♥ It's a typical love story
20 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/20/2007 06:43:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i'm like so so bored at home
i actually studied today!
i did my maths assesment
'cos the book was lying there with at least 10 units untouched
mainly 'cos i only did 2-3 units of it for the EOY math paper
so dont be surprised to see me flunk that paper
and i was doing this math question when my mum talked to me
she told me to read the newspaper
and 'cos i didnt want her to disturb me doing the question,
i stupidly say "yah"
and she was surprised.
then she asked again
and i stupidly said "yah" again!
then she promised to buy the straits times for me everyday
i packed all my stuff too (:
i cleared everything from the locker YESTERDAY.
except for the art file
thanks for the free locker :D
i just put the books into a BIG plastic bag and shoved it into a corner
hope nobody gets hold of it.
'cos i'm not sure whether i still need it
i'm supposed to take the photocopied maths trail form from wan ting today
she kindly photocopied it for me
and in exchange,
i'm supposed to give her a the photocopied travel declaration form
'cos she lost hers.
but i'm so lazy to go meet her and exchange the stuff
although we currently live 3 bus stops away
its quite far actually
i have decided to jog every evening from tomorrow onwards
would i be able to do that?
i don't know.
i've been SO lazy
but i'll try to lah.
maybe i shall try to jog to wan ting's house to get the form tomorrow
[i must be crazy!]
who wants to join me?
joining a crazy girl jogging
no risks involved
i'm not dangerous
i'm not a freak
& i dont bite.
unlike amanda =x
♥ It's a typical love story
19 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/19/2007 07:57:00 PM
He Said She Said.
school was fun!
after school was also fun!
mass workout as usual
then was drama
went through the paper and mrs kamal told us abt o level drama
then gave us free time
then was recess
after that was maths
and some 3/7 tchr replaced miss ng!!
didnt want to listen to the workings so i went to wan ting's seat
to play bingo [too bored]
then zhixiang was so interested.
english was copying of answers
and me and wan ting copied the answers until very messy cos we wanted to play bingo
when it was her turn to start first,
she was choosing number to cancel
then i wanted to cancel 4 first
so i said "say.. 4!"
then after i said 4, she said 4.
cos she really wanted to cancel 4!
then we found out the place we wrote 4 is the same
right in the middle of everything
then was history
gave us some free time too
bingo-ed again!
after school,
then met up with abigail and aliff
then went to J8 cos cant find the thing we want at amk hub
then we saw XUEYING!!
she was with yolande, andrea and 2 unknown girls
being called to buy a pen.
the person behaved like she's forcing them.
then me and the rest went to buy the stuff
found 1 of the 3 that we wanted
so we bought some other things to replace them
we're broke!
also went to causeway point
and abigail was saying "let's call *****[some person] and talk to her mum and tell her mum i wna congratulate her in smoking in school, slashing herself, blah blah blah"
then we moved on to kidnapping
the conversation was damn funny i kept laughing until i squat on the floor
went home after buying everything
when walking to interchange to take 169 home,
saw sean
and omar
then went home
bus ride was super boring.
it took an hour and it was very cold
came back and found out my travel declaration form and maths trail form are all DRENCHED!
because my bag was exposed to the rain in the afternoon.
♥ It's a typical love story
18 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/18/2007 05:29:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i've edited my blog's "wants"
'cos i thought to have "cravings"AND"wants" is a bit redundant
today went to school to go through exam QUESTION PAPERS.
they're enough to create a nightmare for me.
miss wang said that our class did quite well
but i think i got quite alot of mistakes
MCQ itself got 7 mistakes.
and the essay questions are worse.
mr chin said the topic that i chose,
alot of ppl score quite badly for that
no theory paper.
so we were required to write a "message" to mr sim
for feedbacks
after that,
we had our own free time.
then we played TRUTH OR DARE
and we also exchanged leng xiao hua[cold jokes]
and waisiong asked me an insensitive question INFRONT of mr sim.
we talked to mr sim abt the jokes too.
he's super smart lah
went to mac after school for lunch.
and went home
♥ It's a typical love story
17 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/17/2007 07:28:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i don't know why i choose to blog at this time
when i'm moodless
how i wish you're looking at this post now. give me a breakyou're like harrassing me.its SUPER irritating ok.i shall continue blogging,
had post exam activities today
leadership workshop was DRAGGING us till recess.
20 mins late for recess.
during the workshop,
wai siong sent me the songs he helped me download
the song just have this extra sound
and so i had to delete them all
waste his effort..
sorry ):
went to recess and almost lost my pouch
i prefer not to talk abt it
and after recess went for the movies.
and those sec 3 guys super irritating
and the show's so boring,
in my opinion.
then dismissed and went to mac to eat
then to cca
after mr nathan talked to all of us,
he came to the my group[the girls]
and told us if we lost,
we must pay the price of the 2nd price
as a group
wth -.-
then we told him he's richer than us
then he said he's only rich in hair
then i was saying he's also rich in colour
then i started laughing.
so he came behind me and "WHAT" me.
and i thought he heard what i say.
and in the end he went out of the room
after cca went back home.
was walking with nian tee then zm called
so went to take bus at the bus stop
reached home,
♥ It's a typical love story
16 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/16/2007 04:49:00 PM
He Said She Said.
oral= screwed up
mrs yeo was late for 20 minutes.
asked abt some art thing
art museum?
no i've never been there
went to bishan straight away
went to mac
and saw kevin sitting alone there
then sat at his table.
and when i turned around,
i saw my sister's friends
fiona, and jeeven
hi-ed to fiona.
then asked kevin why he was there
i TOTALLY forgot he's supposed to go escape theme park tooday
then he said seeing me was a nightmare
then i asked him what he was doing there
he said "waiting for another nightmare"
then i knew it must be a girl
cos all girls are nightmare to him
then i rmb-ed the escape theme park thing
then found out that the man seated beside kevin was the BISHAN GAY
after awhile,
gabriel came.
then wingsang.
then cheryl.
then went to order food.
when i came back,
wingsang and zm told me bishan gay talked to them
after food, my sis came
and went to toilet with her
she took a freaking long time~
then gabriel came and 'fetch' her?
after that went to buy movie tickets
'loitered' around J8 till 2.10pm
i wna watch more movies now!
♥ It's a typical love story
15 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/15/2007 09:50:00 PM
He Said She Said.
lala says:
i tink she's been waiting close to 10 months
lala says:
LOVEL says:
what the hell
LOVEL says:
lala says:
hehe, patience is golden!
LOVEL says:
you might as well say "aliff is golden"
LOVEL says:
tell the obvious lie
lala says:
what? tats not a lie?
lala says:
i mean tats not a lie
lala says:
well, actually it is
lala says:
coz i ain't gold, i'm platinum
LOVEL says:
-.-LOVEL says:
you're pricelessLOVEL says:
worth $0.00LOVEL says:
ahahahalala says:
yup, i'm priceless, tat u dun even noe wad number to put before the decimal pointlala says:
thank you!LOVEL says:
-.-LOVEL says:
i'm gng to post this convo into my blogLOVEL says:
the number's ZERO lahlala says:
no!!! dun post it...
LOVEL says:
i wantttttttttttlala says:
fine, den i'll post it in my blog oso LOVEL says:
you dont haveLOVEL says:
tell another obvious lie againlala says:
i jus created one
LOVEL says:
all these are gng to be in my blog
LOVEL says:
what's the web thenlala says:
i tot i sms-ed u oreadi?
LOVEL says:
stop lying through your teethLOVEL says:
nononoLOVEL says:
is through ur fingerslala says:
it is...lala says:
www.anti-lovel/lovelist.blogspot.comlala says:
check it out!
LOVEL says:
-.-LOVEL says:
and mine's www.i'maracistagainstaliff.blogspot.comLOVEL says:
rhymes yah?LOVEL says:
lala says:
yah, i went there before
lala says:
nice blog!LOVEL says:
YAHHHHlala says:
so, how is this aliff u talk about in this blog?
LOVEL says:
ermmLOVEL says:
MEANIElala says:
oh, same like the lovel person
LOVEL says:
oh i think you missed out a 'Y'
LOVEL says:
and who's the lovely person?LOVEL says:
i think i know who
LOVEL says:
not you definitelylala says:
trust she ain't like what her name seems likelala says:
*trust meLOVEL says:
what's her namelala says:
lala says:
her name : LEVOL, i think
lala says:
nice name thoughlala says:
or is it LOVEL?
LOVEL says:
how would I know
LOVEL says:
eh resembles my nicklala says:
rlly, wat a coincidence!LOVEL says:
use originality lah
LOVEL says:
make a name also dun use ppl's nick maLOVEL says:
you know names like LOVEL dun exist..lala
sorry lahlala says:
but can't rmb her name
LOVEL says:
lala says:
i assume u can't rmb his name ttoo huh?
LOVEL says:
his?LOVEL says:
i thought is her?lala says:
oh, playing dirty ah?LOVEL says:
clean lah
lala says:
it will be if i come over to clean up the dirt u paly
lala says:
*playlala says:
omg, i dun even noe wad tat means...part of aliff's and my convo on msn
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/15/2007 04:00:00 PM
He Said She Said.
this holiday everyone super bored
amanda date me leh!
but i dont feel like going out.
just watch spiderman 3 DVD.
i dont quite understand?
tomorrow's oral!
plans for this week:
monday- nothing?
tuesday- oral/movies
wednesday- post exam activities ):
*there's still CCA*
thursday- there's CE remedial. BORINGGGG
friday- secret =x
i'm bored to death!
amanda ask me to go MARINA BAY for movies.
so that she wont be lonely gng there to get her bag
♥ It's a typical love story
14 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/14/2007 01:28:00 PM
He Said She Said.
was talking abt "cannibals" on the phone last night
then thought abt P4 that time when mrs shirley lee told us to memorise tongue twisters
i memorised the
Q: how many cans can can a cannibal nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans?A: as many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans."then zm changed it to
Q: How many moos could a xue mu moo if a xue mu could moo moos?"
so i changed the answer to
as many moos as a xue mu can moo if a xue mu can moo moos"
and xueying was telling andrea i dont know how to spell "FEBRUARY"
and realised andrea did not know how to spell it too
so she posted it in her pm:
lovel and andrea dont know how to spell FEBRUARY!
then i asked zm how to spell feb
he said "F-E-B-U-A-R-Y"
and now,
proudly presenting,
lovel,andrea and zhangming dont know how to spell FEBRUARY!"
2 more days to oral
hope it isn't scary
gng to watch movies on tuesday too!
balls of fury or
mr woodcock?and we did a united three ppt
its cool!
♥ It's a typical love story
13 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/13/2007 02:17:00 PM
He Said She Said.
friendster have a new grp on this!
was laughing over it
did the stupid cme quiz today
got a pathetic 25/30!
gave some crappy answers
i told sean to give me a LIMEgreen wallet for my bday
and he gave this:

he's trying to draw a wallet through msn la!
me and amanda are rotting at home now!
talking to amanda and xueying now!
we're gng to change unitedthree's blogskin
♥ It's a typical love story
12 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/12/2007 10:38:00 PM
He Said She Said.
[LG]Lovelsmum Lovel DARLING!!!! Halo 3: I came, I saw, I got owned. says:
i not xiao qi one la
LOVEL says:
cos you xiao qiang[LG]Lovelsmum Lovel DARLING!!!! Halo 3: I came, I saw, I got owned. says:
xiao qi ang!!!LOVEL says:
[LG]Lovelsmum Lovel DARLING!!!! Halo 3: I came, I saw, I got owned. says:
who knew mr ang chi name was xiao qi
LOVEL says:
LOVEL says:
ANGKUKUEH THE ANGXIAOQIahahaha! the convo's funny!
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@10/12/2007 07:28:00 PM
He Said She Said.
ice skating was FUN!
the part where you watch JingFang fall because of jonathan!
met up early in the morning at 9.30am!
i was late by 16mins [sorry]
mrt-ed to sembawang where WingSang boarded
then mrt-ed to woodlands where Joyce boarded
then mrt-ed all the way to jurong and went to skate immediately
joyce spent 4 hrs there learning
but still did not know how to skate
cheryl spent a few minutes learning and she knew how to skate
JingFang was pretty good at first
but when this little boy started skating through the gap ppl created when holding hands,
she fell down quite a number of times.
he really scared us
then we tried to talk to him
but he refused to talk to us
he disturbed other girls too
and this little girl was skating after him
like a girl wooing a guy!
but we found out that they're cousins after we talked to the boy's mother
and we also knew that his name was jonathan
and he's sort of camera shy
or maybe he doesn't want to take photos with us
but i took snapshots of him when he's not noticing
me and cheryl had a hard time skating in circles[holding hands]
because it was way too crowded in the afternoon
we got cut off by lots of ppl
and my feet were numb
but i'm quite lucky
never even fall once!
screamed a few times.
thanks to JingFang who is ever so unstable
went to take neos aft skating
then kfc-ed with JingFang and WingSang
because cheryl and joyce wanted to eat at mac
went home after that
showered and blogged
♥ It's a typical love story
11 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/11/2007 10:05:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i've deleted quite alot of posts from my blog
the past ones.
no particular reason
just don't want to let ppl read them
went out with xue ying and amanda today
xueying's kinda quiet
and we should really GROW UP
xueying should stop taking ppl's money
and amanda should stop snatching my handphone
and i should stop taking pictures of the both of them
[to xueying & amanda]
dun worry i've deleted the pics (:
[to someone]
i'm just feeling insecure
dun worry
you're not BAD la
tmr's ice skating!!
♥ It's a typical love story
10 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/10/2007 02:18:00 PM
He Said She Said.
went to celebrate yi ting's birthday today
and had to wake up at 7 in the morning
SEVEN! omg
tortorous morning
bought the cake and pushpops
that childish little girl loves pushpops
despite the fact that she's gng to turn 14 on saturday
shuhui and yiting had home ec
so they dismissed at 8.45am
then shuhui had to go to this band thing
then made us wait for 1 and 1/2 hour
cake melted halfway
hahaha not exactly melt la
then saw zachary chen
and he was "mumbling" my name
so wan ting knew he somehow know me
when yiting finally came,
we forced her to eat the "half-melted-cake"
then shuhui forced her to eat all the fruits on top of the cake
leaving the cream at the surface
she poke a short straw into the cake
about 1cm of the straw sticking out of the cream
then we asked her to USE HER TEETH to pull it out
and when she held th cake close to her face,
wan ting was holding the cake
i was holding my hand at the back of the head,
then i pushed her face down into the cake
and wan ting smashed the cake on her face
shuhui video-ed the whole process
its damn funny
then we ate there and played at the playground
i climbed to the top of the net!
sense of achievement
i was the only one who climbed so high ok
yiting was one level below me
wan ting climb halfway give up
shu hui didn't even climb
then saw zachary again
went back aft all the playing
before that went back to mac for the air con
then mrs yeo called
to give me oral
next tuesday 8am
gng to be torturous next tuesday
♥ It's a typical love story
09 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/09/2007 06:41:00 PM
He Said She Said.
having quite a serious headache now
guess i'll take a "nap" or slp early or sth
my runny nose is almost gone
left with the cruel cough
anyway drama paper was
the tchr's damn stupid
rlly stupid
he gave out the paper BEFORE we put out our bags
then give to arnd 10-15 ppl,
then he realise
and ppl were alr flipping over the papers to see the questions
then he started the paper 10 minutes earlier
even before we kept quiet
and he was looking for a marker to write the time on the board,
we were discussing the answers
and the paper wrote:
write each answer for each question on one side of the writing paper
then i wrote ALL IN ONE PAGE
pooven and waisiong did the same mistake
when he collect the papers,
he told us to fasten ALL question AND answer papers tgt
and the question paper gt no holes to put the ribbon through
then he said "i'm just following instructions according to the green paper given to me"
paper's dead
human's alive
use some brains can
in the end everybody poked a hole through the question paper
after he collected the papers,
chairman had to pass down some stuff
then he stayed on thinking he's incharge of collecting everything
then jaslyn tried to tell him he can go and he nvr listen
after that he blamed jas for nt telling him earlier
then he SLOWLYSLOWLY wait for EACH AND EVERY ONE of us to read the paper
when the paper was passed to waisiong, then pooven, then me,
we all passed down without looking
so time consuming
after that we stayed back after dismissal and played with the tarot cards or whatever you call it
shuhui brought it
then we asked abt love life, career life, studies, future
then it said my love life is very sweet now
but would end in future
but i nvr ask abt future love life
and for career life,
it said i will work on sth i specialise in(like what?!) and earn lots of money
studies is VERY FUNNY
all the 4 cards say i'm smart!!
and i cant even beat wai siong in studies.
that's called smart
for future,
i forgt alr
then yiting played with the cards too
zm played with the cards too
then exchanged ghost stories
yiting freaked out most
followed by me.
as for the rest,
no reaction
we were given balloons
by mac
i took green
yiting too
and zm called for PINK
after that yiting and shuhui left
then went to s11 to eat
then talked some stuff
unknown stuff :D
♥ It's a typical love story
08 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/08/2007 08:00:00 PM
He Said She Said.
had not been a great day
chinese paper was ok
dunno why waisiong said it was difficult
finished 45mins before time was up
wanted to slp but nose was in a bad condition
cant even lie on the table
aft exam supposed to meet zm go mac
then mother called
wanted to bank in money
and wanted me to follow
so i had to ps zm
gng to be busy this week
really busy
♥ It's a typical love story
07 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/07/2007 02:00:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i've changed my blogskin
thanks to the number of ppl who voted for the current blogskin
cant resist the temptation
tmr's chinese paper
i'm still sick
so fated with the song "me love"
was thinking abt the song
then i on-ed the radio using my hp
then finish listening
went to my comp
its on my blogpage
AGAINand schooless days are always boring
cant wait for united three's EOY papers to end.
we still have our blog to attend to!!
dun forget :D
♥ It's a typical love story
06 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/06/2007 08:13:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i'm dying to change a blogskin now
http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=155868&action=Preview (i love it for the LIMEgreen)
http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=149308&action=Preview (its simple :D)
http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=160668&action=Preview (dunno why, ppl just say its nice)
http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=158662&action=Preview (dun rlly like the girl, but.. ohwell)
HELP ME CHOOSE!! all are frm skin of the day.
rlly i need help
i'm left with drama and chinese which i dunno what about them to study
i slacked the whole day :D
♥ It's a typical love story
05 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/05/2007 08:43:00 PM
He Said She Said.
maths paper today
went to school, listless.
because i'm sick
and i think the medicine effect hasn't gone off.
cos i felt very very weak
hardly survived maths paper
lucky me,
left 7 marks worth questions blank
heard brandon say he lost 31 marks
went to mac to eat after that
then stayed till 5.30pm
halfway over there,
my mum came
she walked to the toilet
and zm was sitting at the table nearest to the toilet
ask her stop stalking me
then saw this rgs girl with some raffles guy
then i told zm
but nvr took much notice
then suddenly the girl go toilet
aft coming out, she turned to zm, smiled and waved
zm only realised after a few seconds that it was his cousin
its in macs
happy happy
left with chinese and drama to go!!
nt mugging anymore (:
♥ It's a typical love story
04 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/04/2007 06:48:00 PM
He Said She Said.
today's science like super difficult la
everyone says so lor
and damn it
damn sad la
went to mac aft the exam
then was changing frm the small table to the big table
then left my earpiece dunno where
then now its lost
and during the exam
i got blocked nose
and i cant even concentrate
i cant wait for the paper to end
and finally it ended
shuhui and waisiong went to print the maths stuff
then they NEVER help me printttt!!
now i got sore throat
and cough
and runnny nose
didn't actually studied
you know when waisiong and zm are tgt
zm get all disgusting
and.. ya
so cant study
just laughed
so gotta do some maths now
♥ It's a typical love story
03 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/03/2007 09:12:00 PM
He Said She Said.
haha today's funny
esp the housefly incident
but all the contents are reset
so i have to reset my stuff again
tmr's science.
and i'm still blogging
english paper today was pretty easy
guess tchrs cant bear to see the students get killed by the paper 1
after exam,
went for drama
then when having the break,
me and wan ting found zm's bag
and we HELPED him close the bag and put it in alvin's bag
then played with haziqah's bag too
then was the practice for improvisation
LIN WAN TING you clever la?
now mrs kamal also know abt the xiao qiang thing
where got practise use zm's name one?
after drama we went back to class.
then the guys came
so we got out
when the guys went out,
we went in again
lights off, fans off, doors ajarthen suddenly
at first i thought it was the wind
but then i realised its gng OUTWARDS and IN the classroom got NO wind
then aft it went outwards,
it came INWARDS again
and there was STILL NO WIND!!
me and wan ting started to get scared
the classroom's eerie enough and the door keep moving by itself
and its not just back or forth
its back forth back forth when there's TOTALLY NO WIND
me and wan ting totally freaked out
and when the door repeatedly moved for several times,
she started to make sudden movements
then every time she moved,
i'll scream
and eventually,
cried. i really didand wan ting said i was weak
she was freaked out also can?
then lucky sec 3s finish exam
faster ran down
lucky zm there
went to eat and freshen up
told mrs kamal the story
cos she told you en help her get up her "trolley" or whatever you call it
but he ran away
so she asked zm to help
then wan ting told her the story
and of course,
normal reaction
nothingstudied at mac
waisiong killed a houselfy
then he put it on foolscap
try to pour it on zm
zm hit the foolscap
the fly flew towards waisiong
and he screamed
mum bought me a pouch
and SOMEHOW she figured out i was with zm
i got back my hp
but all contacts are mixed up
but its ok
gotts rlly rlly MUGGGGG
♥ It's a typical love story
02 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/02/2007 07:27:00 PM
He Said She Said.
history exam sucks
ok it wasn't a disaster
history ain't nice
i'm NOT gng to take history in sec 3
i studied all the wrong topics
had difficulty in the essay questions
but finished the paper.
went to mac to study after that
ate my sausage muffin
with lots and lots of margarine
the others were shocked,
why i can't get fat with all these redundant fats i take everyday
answer is because i'm SMART!!
hahahaha jk
after food,
they were supposed to study science.
but they crapped and all
so i studied myself at the other table
*damn those guys*
and jiahao msg-ed to say he saw me
and was sitting opp me.
i continued to study then went back to the rest
was talking talking then yiting said her mum received complaints that we were very noisy
and yiting scare us and say jz's mum complain we keep following them
we didn't even make much noise in the muti purpose hall
worse still,
i wasn't sitting with them
so i'm like totally innocent except for the gng up to jz's unit part
but that wasn't complained
and i was very sure we didn't make much noise in the multi purpose hall
damn those ppl staying in that condo
be more civilised la.
stay in condo and still behave like some babaric gossipers
gossip truths,
we dun mind
gossip lies,
DO mind
stupid ppl
aft the call,
zm came
and wth,
he tickled me.
when i'm like alr angry for the stupid accusations of those barbarians
went to find another seat.
of course i chose the nice nice cushion ones.
haha. and jiahao came
his wallet is like full of $$
and only gave me $0.60?
STINGYYY!!and zm went "hao hao~~"
he even blew him a kiss when jiahao keep staring
spas gay
and halfway through,
this stupid fly came
can imagine my reaction
last but not least,
i managed to steal jh's mac coupons
or rather he GAVE them to me n zm
ohya. last thing to include,
waisiong came and HIT ME like siao!!
he hit ppl damn pain can
just because i called him "aqua"
like how damn many ppl call him that
♥ It's a typical love story
01 October 2007 ♥
Last footprint@10/01/2007 09:47:00 PM
He Said She Said.
gotta make this post real fast cos i dun have enough time to finish studying for my history
which is gng to take place TOMORROW
had hmt paper 1 today
wasn't contented cos i was too tired to think of anything
aft the exam went to mac and study till zm came
yiting offended female army officer
shan't talk abt it
went to another seat to study when zm came
rather than squeezing with so many ppl
went home just to find out my mum found my hp warranty card
and the warranty is till 8th OCT!!
means i can repair it for free still
its like just 1 week more
good thing my phone spoil at this time
tmr mum's gng to bring it to orchard to repair
cos the whatever repairing venue's there
mum's GREAT!!
and i stole forero frm zm's bag again!!
it's NICE
♥ It's a typical love story