29 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/29/2007 02:36:00 PM
He Said She Said.
how many million of guys/gays do you want to flirt with
its ur business, not mine.
yes, go spread around the whole class that i like/love him.
bear in mind, im not a flirt like you.
and now you're thinking its not enough?
and you want to spread to the whole sec 1?
i dont give a damn.
i think you wont even read this post now.
most probably you are flirting in another guy's blog now.
stop getting into my life.
i do what i like.
keep your opinions to YOURSELF
and stop spreading arnd the whole level.
i'm sick of you. and your own species.
this is a VERY SENSITIVE post. and i doubt the person who is meant to read this post doesn't even read it. so its most probably not referring to you (the person who's reading now)
i seem as though i like to complain in my blog. well, yes i do.
and i dont care what you people think of it.
ok, today's story.
i hate cramps when im slping
so i had this "hand cramp" that made me leave lalaland
i still want to slp. but i know my history needs some attention
so i took my handphone and looked at the time.
then i saw: missed call
haven read finish how many missed calls i have in all, then someone called again
and its like 10.30am.
i need my SLEEP seriously.
so answered that call. talk for half hour, hung up.
im awake!!
but still tired.
but its alr 11am.
so i decidded nt to slp.
brush teth. breakfast. slacking.
12 noon.
planned to finish one whole topic in 2 hours but failed.
basically i was just slacking for the whole of half hour.
and i need that time badly.
so in the end i did nt complete revising even one unit.
that's quite BAD. or might as well say: VERY BAD
so now, i'm gng to rest for another 10 minutes and continue STUDYING!!
♥ It's a typical love story
28 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/28/2007 07:26:00 PM
He Said She Said.

my dear kiddy ride..
went to yi ting's house today to do projs.
but we only completed half of it.
and we are so damn pathetic.
cuz we actually planned to:
1) complete sci proj
2) discuss music proj
3) complete chinese wrksht
4) plan for art on MONDAY
but instead, what we did was:
do half of sci project= colour the heading, draw the heading, find a little bit of research
and we spent like 4 hrs doing that.
me n wan ting were so pathetic.
cos we ate chicken rice in the afternoon(morning) at 11. but we treat it as lunch. so i said afternoon
then at arnd 3 plus,
yiting's dad drove us to thomson plaza to eat
and we were like so sick of it.
but its ordered. furthermore, yiting's dad paid for it.
then we went COMPLETELY
we went to those kiddy rides where you slot $1 and the ride will move.
and there's this ride that can sit 3 person. but we squeezed up 6 ppl
and we were laughing n shouting cos there weren't enough space.
and the whole food court was looking at us.
some were smiling. the others... no comments on negative reactions
went back to do the proj. it was raining throughout. or maybe shld say most of the time.
we stayed in the multi purpose hall and i felt like sleeping.
TIRED. slept at 11++ almost 12 last night AGAIN
and i went online on yiting's LAPTOP!!
then went home
me, wai siong, wan ting were on the same bus.
then we were complaining on slping hours. cos we gt no time to slp.
so we tried to calculate the hours that is meant for us to slp
never succeed. so i shall try here(only this week):
in 1 week, there's 7 days, 168 hours.
every school day, wake up at 5.45am. reach home at 3pm earliest. excluding fridays.
9 hrs 15 mins gone every week day exclude friday
131 hours left.
monday and wednesday= cca days
4 hours(cca time) + 1 hour(go home time)
126 hours left.
fridays: 5.45am to 12.40pm
+ travel time= 1++ reach home
+ lunch = 2.30pm
8 hrs 45min gone.
117 1/4 hrs left.
homework 2 hrs everday. some time spent in weekends
107 hrs left.
bathing, eating, pack stuff.
2 hours per day
97 hrs left
weekends- revising and studying, resting time, sometimes homework.
all daily routines. projects.
14X2= 28 hrs gone.
69 divide by 7 days in a week.
9 hrs plus of slp everyday. that's not enough. ok if its enough for you, i DONT care
but definitely not enough for me.
and next monday's art exam (the comic life thing)
next tuesday's history exam
next wednesday's goeg exam
next week, among three of the days would be oral exam
and haziqah wants me to hand in the research in three weeks time.
next n next next week is common test week. only left one week to find so many things.
2 wrds: IM DEAD
♥ It's a typical love story
27 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/27/2007 06:13:00 PM
He Said She Said.
same daily routine.
gotta make this post rlly short.
cuz im nt supposed to blog at this time.
ok today NOONE stalked me. oh YAY!!
took the earlier bus. which came at 6.36am.
sue SBS!! supposed to come at 6.33am ok. made me wait from 6.31am.
reached yck station. 72 took 3 mins to come.
then the traffic wasted 5 minutes. reached sch at 7.02am. what's the diff??
then talked to zm. and wan ting told me some crap
yiting was playing "catching" with a guy who took her calculator.
and fell down aft that. this is the process. pardon me for being so insensitive. haha
yiting chase aft the guy who took her calculator.
wai siong helped chase. right behind yiting.
at the second round when they come out frm the classroom,
wai siong stepped on yiting's shoe. process:
waisiong step yiting shoe> yiting fell> the guy somehow appeared behind her and was running> nt enough time to "brake"> went over yiting when she was trying to stand up> make her fall AGAIN
and she's like making so much noise during the process. and everybody's watching until the reaction is like: OHMYGOD!! HUH?!
and i tried to hold my laughter. but wan ting actually laughed. which made me laugh.
ok nevermind. ignore that. LOL
then lessons. today is appetite day. at least gt back SOME of my normal appetite.
recess: chicken burger+ one whole bowl of noodles.
oh yay!!
then it was raining. so i thought it would be more fun when i go home. cos can play in the rain.
and im gng to yck to take 70 home. cos zm will be gng by there.
but in the end. my DEAR DEAR mother. REAL mother la. she called. and wanted to fetch me. so i went home by car. and missed the fun time in the rain.
reach home. homework. mum go out. comp.
mum back, pack stuff. mum bathe, blogging(now)
so im off to study my history now.
♥ It's a typical love story
26 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/26/2007 06:47:00 PM
He Said She Said.
today was quite fun. cos... i got TREATED
three cheers for human-cockroach species!!
went to sch. reach class.
they all SO DAMN enthu. come tell me who came to the class. =,=
yesterday was OK. yesterday got no maths!! yay!!
then the lessons were sooo boring. then it was cca.
me and nian tee wanted to go to library to do the research.
cuz the cyber lab comp cant go many webs.
reached library. cant use the comps.
cuz they're reserved for MOE survey crap.
saw zhang ming. HI-ed to him.
went home aft cca with him walking the long way again.
today: had maths!! wth. maths is BORING. no offence to maths lovers.
its just a personal opinion. then after sch. i sms-ed yiren to meet him at 3rd level sci blk to send me PROMISCOUS GIRL.
he actually wanted to meet at 2nd level. nvr regret my decision. cos there gt sec 3s.
send halfway, shu hui called. rejected. cuz i thought it might affect the sending.
she used wai siong's hp to call. take the risk and answered. wow it nv affect
so i went back to class. cos shu hui they all was "BLOWING" me.
then saw zm. eh first time so early. ok i shall stop critisizing him.
went to eat. cos shu hui had to have her lunch out. so we went to ang mo kio central to eat.
went to macs. AGAIN. they never help me order at all!! shit them.
then at first zm dun want to treat me. then i saw his wallet gt
11 DOLLARS ++.then forced him to treat me. he agreed. after declining ALOT of times. lol
then we one side eat, one side crap.
that waisiong bear bear started kicking me. so, i take the fries. and threw it at him =)
then we saw this indian man. with a chinese man. then yiting started:
EH P****N'S UNCLE!! then we started laughing. obviously zm laughed too. cos he's like DAMN racist.
then we started talking about christopher's BUSH and what happened to me, wan ting, wai siong and brandon. and some racist stuff
then we were laughing so loud. then i started the DUI LIAN thing.
KNNB(in full form)YITING:
CCB(in full form)and yiting was like SUPER LOUD. cuz she forget we're in public. then we all started SHH-ing and laughing.
then when we finally stopped laughing, i was super bored. despite eating for 1 hour n my burger is still left with HALF.
then i started "EXCHANGING FRIES". this is the process:
1) take one short short short short super short fries from my tray and put it on shu hui's tray.
2) take one long long long long super long fries from shu hui's tray and put it on MY tray
3) eat the super long fries.
and the rest of the ppl was so BUSY talking. that they dunno i take their fries except zhang ming.
and he's like: you ahh.. EVIL
and when they realise i took their fries, they full alr. so stopped eating. so in the end, i ATE
then we went to popular to buy the vanguard for tmr's sci lesson. and they went into amk hub by mistake. then aft i went out of the hub, my sis sms-ed me.
my reaction: =,=
in the end when i go home, she said: fiona saw you and she told me. so i told you.
and this morning she pon sch again cos my maid nv wake her up.
after everything, i went home.
first, queuing. yiting n shu hui appeared. their motive was so damn obvious.
they are like: hey we want go toilet.
then walk to toilet there, say: actaully we went alr. just to see you both.....
then gt up the bus. bus go halfway, shu hui called:
eh i behind you.
i looked back. she's like standing at the traffic. STALKERS!! ooh i hate stalkers.
ppl who often stalk me:
ok the last one is like saw me in sch nv call me. makes nt much diff.
yea and go home take long route agn. and dao-ed zm for the WHOLE BUS RIDE.
cuz he said sth wrong.
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@7/26/2007 04:42:00 PM
He Said She Said.
1. How tall are you barefoot?
158 cm!! same as xueying!!
2. Have you ever smoked?
3.D0 you own a gun?
No. but i would love to own one. to shoot someone.
4. Do you hate someone right now?
No. not hate. but dislike.
5. Do you get nervous?
when? under what ciecumstances
6. What do you think of hotdogs?
Hotdogs are FOOD. and in some ways perverted.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
none =)
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
anything. water is the best
9. Can you do push ups?
see first. haha. :D
11.What's your favorite piece of jewellery?
err.. dunno
12. Do you like painkillers?
no. i never tried one before haha
13. What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex?
i DONT do that. unlike SOME flirts
14. Do you own a knife?
yes!! in the kitchen
15. Do you have H.I.V?
stop cursing
16. Name?
GOH17. Name 3 things u wanna do at this exact moment?
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought lately.
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink.
water, ICE LEMON TEA, nothing else
20. What time did you wake up today?
22. Current worry?
bad results :D
23. Current hate?
24. Favorite place to be?
25. Least favorite place to be?
26. Do you own slippers?
yea duh.
27. What shirt are you wearing?
sch uni without pinafore. white!!
28. Favorite color?
limegreen. strictly ONLY limegreen
♥ It's a typical love story
24 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/24/2007 07:23:00 PM
He Said She Said.
ok. i've concluded im starting to hate homework again.
and i have also concluded im quite good in multi tasking.(this is no
i've done another part of my homework. still gt alot left
and im so damn bored. i've decided to crap in my posts
learning partially from MIGHTY XUE YING
let's see how i multi task
1) talking on the phone. and the line was filled with music cos he was listening some songs by linking park
2) doing my science torturous homework
3) listening to the EVEN louder linking park songs my sis is playing. so after he played what i've done, my sis played that song. so sick of it
and now facing another problem. i actually LEFT MY BOOK IN SCHOOL
AGAIN. so i shall say to myself: typical.
i dint mean to leave it in sch. i thought miss ng was still gng through the angles. so its the 1A book. which means homework shld be from there
but i was so blur. she's teaching us percentage on the same time.
means-I NEED THE 1B BOOK!!
and i just blur blur brought home the 1A book.
its always either i forget to bring home the book totally, or i brought home the wrong book.
and miss ng dun allow boxes in class anymore. =(
yes, and i have FINALLY completed the SCIENCE. including the drawings. omg i'm so
GREAThomework left would be:
FIND ABT CLIMATE CHANGES.(n nian tee's nt helping me)
how am i gng to complete functional writing n compo both by friday? i'm NOT pro in wrds ok
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@7/24/2007 04:02:00 PM
He Said She Said.
okay. i'm updating AGAIN!! see xueying pangseh my blog. amanda also. so so so so bad ah..
haha jk
BORING day again. dismissed at 1:10. but reach home at arnd 4. ahaha.
cuz mamaroach say he's gng to treat me if i passed my napfa. and i DID!!
so he treated me to macs. he finished the burger in half the time i finish.
cuz i kept laughing. and everytime he said sth wrong i'll kick him.
xueying dun jealous yea? went home aft 1 hr at mac. then he showed me his old hse.
his old hse is like 1 stop aft the usual stop.
then we stopped TWO stops aft the usual stop. so had to walk. and the wind was so strong. SHUANG!!
and this rich guy showed me his old hse. then walked back home.
the route so confusing
so we were like walking walking. then he say: i can go home straight away. gt shortcut. BYE
but the prob is. i DONT KNOW how to go home from there
so i pulled him back to show me the way home.
in the end he realised he dunno where to walk too!!!!
so i stepped on his shoe. and he pulled my hair. WHAT THE HELL
then he saw a drain. beside there's this narrow narrow pathway filled with GRASS?!
then he's like: i THINK here gt shortcut.
and its soooo YUCKY i dun feel like gng. n its gng to rain soon.but if i dun go home soon, im DEAD
so i just walked la. he wasn't sure where the drain leads to either
then FINALLY we walked out of it. and my house was just: turn to the left.
so so so so happy. then i went home. so he took the long cut home. LOL.
and science was so shit today.
i forgot to bring my spectrum. shu hui also
gt punished to copy 2 exercises of it on foolscap INCLUDING the diagrams n drawings.
ans shu hui was like: EH CAN TRACE!! i cant wait to start copying.
ok i love copying. but NOT drawing.
waste of time
nvm. i shall start on it.
then revise my history for next week!!
waiting for the next holiday to come..
♥ It's a typical love story
22 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/22/2007 03:42:00 PM
He Said She Said.
see, im updating now. making cueyip so happy. but the top 10 reasons in the previous post are not covered yet. so.. too bad lor. haha.
ok stop complaining. the reason why i'm not updating is because life is too bored. same daily routine. someone make my life more interesting la??
i've nt posted for exactly 1 week. that's an achievement!! =)
ok so friday was racial harmony day. but zhang ming calls it happy indian day??? RACIST la!! and i borrowed the ethnic costume from jaini. but the trousers was too loose. and i dun get it. jaini and shu hui say there's this string to pull to tighten it and it can fit anybody. but i just cant seem to find the string they're referring to. ok so nvm. i was in half sch u for the whole day. TORTURE!!
shafiqah was the only 1/3-ian who participated in the talentime. THREE CHEERS!!
and i was supposed to be in the FIRST SHIFT in tending the stall. our stall is supposed to sell drinks. and can mix the drinks tgt and stuff. one cup for 50C. but somehow i dunno when is the so called "FIRST SHIFT" and i nvr tend the stall at all. haha. i went to watch the talentime. then, it was shifted to the canteen. so i went to the stall. cuz i dun want to crowd arnd with those ppl to watch talentime. ohyea!! and mummy bought the drinks frm our stall. then he havent start drinking. so when he buy, i drink. hahaha. i drank only 2 sips. cuz the mixture was too..... so i gave it back to him to finish the whole drink. LOL. and pooven and willy came up with this "GREAT IDEA" of taking the tray with all the different flavours of drink and some empty cups and go arnd selling those drinks. so the sale of the drinks will go up. so they forced kenneth frm 1/4. or whom they call TAUPOK to buy the drinks. they're quite bad to him. haha.
then at 1240 i went back to class. wan ting went home for lunch. yiting shu hui n me still nt hungry. so yiting n shuhui stayed in class while i went to 4/2 to find yiren to send me LOLLIPOP. meant to send ONLY LOLLIPOP. but in the end i got OVER IT-katherine mcphee and ALL GOOD THINGS-nelly furtado. and obviously LOLLIPOP-MIKA!!!!! and willy has gt mika's GRACE KELLY in his phone =,= and NAPFA was definitely a disaster.
maybe i've gt too much lunch. but tt has gt nth to do with it. nvm. WHERE"S MY CONTINUOUS RUNNING OF 1.6KM?!?! what i did was this:
1st round= run half round, walk half round
2nd round=walk half round, run half round
3rd round=run half round, walk half round.
this routine went on until the last lap. start to DRIZZLE. then i "sprinted" at the last few metres of the run. when i finish, it POURED!! ohyes im so lucky. but i seriously did BADLY in napfa. cuz of STITCH!! i feel like failing. cuz:
fail= re-test= possibility of moving frm a D to a C= possibility to maintain GOLD
but, fail= no games= running for every PE lesson= "intensive" running with mr singh.
this is sooooo SHIT.
then aft napfa. i played in the rain. saw mummy running. jiayou-ed him. he waved back. then dao me =( and his explanation later was: you wasted my energy waving at you and you still say i dao you. so seems like its my fault LOL. gt toally drenched. was in the bus when mummy called. he was still at the stadium. he made me wait for THREE BUSES more then he came down frm the bus then walk hm tgt. then he said sth wrong. i stomped off without him.
ok let's move on to YESTERDAY NIGHT. which is saturday night. haha. mummy was doing this "PROJECT" with me over msn. (he was using project as an excuse to come online) so we had to fake we rlly doing proj. cuz i used the same excuse when my mum asked. but i rlly did do sth. that's to ask yiren to help do the NJRC web pg. and he still helped do the logo. so nice of him. but when he want to send me the webpg, my sis was using. so i couldnt accept. then he went offline. SRY YIREN!!
then mummy was saying if i free then i can call him. ok so i called at 9. and talked until 11++ that's like 2 hrs plus. and in between, i dao-ed him several times. this is part of the convo.
me: stop mentioning *ahem* name or you see what happen later.
zm: *ahem*
me: *silence*(so is i dao him first)
5 mins later..
i took the home phone n called xueying
me: hello may i speak to xy pls?
xy & her sis: hello
me: hello XUEYING AH!!
xy: yea?
me: eh ur bf dao me leh!!
xy: huh? who?
me: still gt who? ur bf la!!
xy: who?
me: cockroach la!!
xy: walau.
then zm heard what i was talking then said: OIII!! nt her bf!!
then the convo goes on and on with troofs lies. WYZ, zoe, xuemu, chris, many more. then he keep blowing into the phone.
me: can stop being so childish??
zm: what
me: stop blowing
zm: is you blow lor. see. so childish
then another part i told him to dun say something, then he promised. so i wanted to record down in case next time he break the promise. in a convo in a phone, every 20seconds when u record it will *BEEP* once.
me: faster say
zm: huh?
me: say
zm: say wad?
me: say you wont say.
zm: wad u doing?
me: i recording.
zm: yes i dun say
me: you wont say wad.
zm: i wont say u say the recording thing.
me: HUH?!
zm: yay! dun record la. i rlly wont tell
me: you say u wont tell first
zm*whining*: rlly. i say alot of times already. I DOWAN!!
me: i dun care. just say you wont tell.
zm: you wont tell.
me: say i wont tell.
zm: NO
me: faster. say: zhang ming wont tell
zm: zhang lang wont tell.
me: every 20s the phone will *beep* once. faster.
zm: dowan. i dowan you record the voice. dowan
me: just say
zm: i hang up ah?
zm: lalala
me: OI!! dun play.
zm: u dun play la. i alr say. you still want beep me.
when he said that, it beeped agn. LOL
zm: see!! stop it la!! you off the record thing then i say.
me: ok off alr.
zm: ok wait 20 seconds.
me: OI!!! say. faster
zm: i wait. for the beep
then it beeped agn.
zm: ok tmr i tell u face to face ok?
me: ok. then i record it down.
zm: NO
me: ehh. say you wont tell
zm: you wont tell
me: say i wont tell
zm: NO
me: ok. say: i, loh zhang ming, WONT tell.
zm: i, loh zhang ming, WILL tell.
me: OI!!
zm: ahh see. its recorded down!! i can tell the whole world!!
me: i dun friend you alr
zm: orh dun friend lor
me: ok bye
zm: OI!
then i hung up. LOL. 2 hrs plus convo. it was damn funny!!
ok now i've updated my blog with this DAMN LONG POST!! happy reading
♥ It's a typical love story
14 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/14/2007 03:44:00 PM
He Said She Said.
these few days ain't that great. normal normal.
yesterday went out tgt with abigail, aliff, joanna. xueying n amanda cant because they have choir pracs. AHH CHOIR!! i'm so jealous. hahaha.
we crapped and talked and stuff la. then joanna was like saying "umbrella" is a nice song. i dont rlly agree la.
so we were talking abt it then the big big television or wad u call it at toa payoh was playing the song. so aliff was like: see ella!!(cuz the umbrella song is: UNDER MY UM-BR-ELLA-ELLA-ELLA-A-A-A-A then we all laughed.
then in mac joanna n aliff ate. me and abi nth to do. so i started sending songs frm jo's phone to mine.
then aft tt abi took the extra chilli sauce packets frm aliff's plate and aim it at him. and then say: you better tell me who you like or else i squeeze the sauce at you.
then we started laughing again.
then we went to tpy library. then there's this guy who looks like the bishan gay looking at us. so at first i nvr rlly say anything.
then suddenly aliff say: this person looks like the bishan gay. maybe he's the toa payoh gay. went home at arnd 7. and the day rlly loves me. although its friday 13th. i went to abigail's hse and took my bag home.
then when i reach the traffic it turned frm red to green. so i dun have to wait. then i crossed the traffic and went to take bus 70. usually need wait very very very long. then when i just reach the queue, the bus came. double decker somemore. so shuang.
but my flu has got me all WRONG. my voice has transformed until it keep breaking. even when im talking normally.
im supposed to go yck stadium today. and ytd my mum heard my voice change then she forbid me to go. so sad la. then i faster plead her to allow me to go. then she finally allowed. lucky.
so this morning i woke up at EIGHT despite slping at ELEVEN last night.
then my runny nose and medicine made me run out of time. and i'm supposed to meet mamaroach at 9 at the mamashop.
then when it was 9, i just left the hse. so i reach the mamashop at 9:05. late by 5 mins only OK. and then i dint see mamaroach. so i called his hse.
and his mum answered. wth. and i go all stupid and say things like: oh im his fren. im waiting for him at the mamashop nearby. then is like she keep asking: ya so wad's ur name?? LOL. then aft tt when i put down the phone, mamaroach was walking frm the OTHER direction.
and he told me he went to the bus stop to find me. =,= i said MAMASHOP. not BUS STOP. maybe MAMASHOP resembles MAMAROACH and so he's nt so happy with the place. BUT he suggested it ok??
and he was also late. he reach at 9:01. which is 1 minute late. what the hell. so when we ALMOST reach the bus stop we missed the bus. so its like my fault or his?? haha. i think its mine. BUT i still blamed him lol.
then suddenly cueyip called and say she reach le. and im like STILL WAITING FOR THE BUS la. then she reach arnd 9:20. when we said 9:30. so its nt my fault. then the bus driver was indian. so mamaroach laughed again la. then he said he was smiling.
then halfway down the road the bus sotta "broke down" then the driver called for help then talk so loud. even i laughed.
once we reached i saw cueyip. she's like wearing CPS PE SHORTS!! haha so devoted leh!!
then she's like: HI AUNTY XIAOQIANG!! LOL.
then we reach stadium i went to toilet then mamaroach run first. then in the end i only ran 1.6 instead of 2.4. i mean run continuously. eh im sick OK. spent lots of time fooling arnd with cueyip and then we went home. cueyip's taking same bus as me cuz she gng to her grandma hse. then mamaroach was supposed to too. but then he was kinda late. so his parents called ME.
wth. then talked to him. so in the end he nvr take same bus as us. cuz his parents fetch him.
cueyip and mamaroach is like so damn compatible
list of things they are similar in(or what they call "coincidence":
1. they both dislike chinese
2. they both scared of dogs
3. they both asked me the same question at same time. e.g cueyip sms me and say she can go yck stadium. then at the same time when i received the msg he told me on msn he could go too.
4. they both mentioned same things at the same time. e.g cueyip was saying: wad shld i call zhang ming tmr when i see him?? then he called me and say: xueying's gng right?? tell her NO COCKROACH ok??
5. they both have at least 1 parent who has a dialect: hainanese(or how u spell it)
6. their height difference compared with me is: cueyip's taller than me by 1cm. mamaroach taller than me by 10 cm. see. 1X10=10. they're related. and the best thing is: there are exactly 10 ways they are similar in. or "coincidental" in.
7. they both have brother.
8. mamaroach another nickname is XIAO QIANG. initials: XQ. xue ying's initials is: XY. both contains "X".
9. cueyips real name= xue ying. mamaroach real name= zhang ming. they both have CHINESE NAMES in their birth certs. meaning no english name.
10. xueying xueying xueying. zhangming zhangming zhangming. dont you think it rhymes?? they both dont wear SPECTACLES!!!
hahahahaha. and xueying's gng to be hopping mad seeing this post. zhang ming too. but he doesn't see my blog. cuz he dun have the web. LOL
♥ It's a typical love story
11 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/11/2007 09:57:00 PM
He Said She Said.
badbad day today.
list of "depressing" things tt happened today:
1) after the "sick" day, i missed so many info on sch.
2) gt rlly sick today. FLU + RUNNY NOSE=TORTURE
3) EFL ended so late and made me so hungry
4) 1st coffeeshop, him. 2nd coffee shop, another him(you wont understand)
5) CCA ended late with my blocked nose being tortured badly
6) maths test tmr and i dun give a damn.
7) missed cockroach mummy by a bus (so wasted, have to go home in SOLITARY)
8) so many coincidences happened. SADSAD.
9) mrs yeo nvr come back despite the fact she should be back today.
10) open hse on FRIDAY is "cancelled"
11) i failed by 10 seconds for the run today
see how miserable life is?
nvm la. cant be bothered with too much crap now. im sooo tired. revise my maths in sch tmr.
and i must wait for the cockroach until 3 too.
but saturday will be busy again.
i'm gng to run with xueying in stadium.
but yi ting ask me go her hse on tt day too.
so maybe im gng to overwork myself.
go stadium and run
next up, go yiting's hse and swim. WOW
♥ It's a typical love story
10 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/10/2007 03:59:00 PM
He Said She Said.
didnt have a great day today. went home at 1045++ gng 11. nt cuz sch half day. its all cuz of ME!! ARGH. was 'sick' so went to the sick bay. i was 'sick' at 840. then i bear with it until sci. when mrs dan let me slp in class. ohman i love her. haha. then while they experiment, i felt better, then aft tt when they're ending. the pain started agn. so i "slept" throughout la. then yiting shu hui n wan ting said i look very pale. WHITE?! LOL
anyway big thanks to:
LIN WAN TING for bringing me back to class, to canteen and buying milo for me.
TAN YI TING for helping me carry my stuff and go G.O. ask for help.
SIM SHU HUI for helping the both of them to help me =)
XIAN LONG for donating to me $2 despite me nt donating to him.
big sorries to:
MRS DAN for nt greeting her cuz i cant even stand up. haha
JASLYN for ignoring her when she ask me how was i cuz it was too pain
WINGSANG especially for overturning the sulphur. cuz i straight away lie down without warning. although i seem as though im slping but i know i overturned it.
WAN TING for buying milo for me and then i didnt drink it. cuz i felt like vomitting and wasted her $$.
SYAKIRAH for nt taking class photo with her. I WILL MISS YOU MANYMANY. keep in touchso my conclusion is:
1/3 IS GREAT!!
now we have 40 ppl in our class. but we'll still stay as united.
aft i came back home i did DNT. and sci i dun even know how to do cuz i nvr do the experiment. so suay today. boring. when i came online at 2+ only 1 person was online. where are the rest?!?!
lol. such days like this shan't happen agn. its nt even friday 13th. anw
FRIDAY 13TH IS THIS COMING AGAIN!!hope nth bad happens. esp when its CANBERRA OPEN HOUSE. anyway forget to include. ytd i was SUPER late and then i took the later bus. then i saw cueyip and yoyo. then today. i took the normal bus. and when i was in the bus i waved to her. and surprisingly she saw ME!! yay!! saw her twice in a row. gng to look forward to see her on FRIDAY. best is whole week let me see her. oh then im so happpyyyyyy!!!
♥ It's a typical love story
07 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/07/2007 08:04:00 PM
He Said She Said.

i'm scared of being wet. but i still wanna play

finally yiting's looking at the cam

shuhui was pulling her pants looking at the lift mirror. then i snapped

yiting_shuhui_yiting bro


shuhui with yiting behind


she's NOT LOOKING at the cam

not looking again
yiting's bro talking abt power rangers

my GREEN ice cream to suit the earth dunno wad day. haha

yiting say: i lost my side parting. LOL

they were coming up to get me into the water.
haha. today was FUN. went to yiting's condo supposed to go to the GYM. but then in the end nt many ppl were interested in the GYM. they preferred the water. then dun tell me earlier. made me wear clothes then cant play.
at first i went to amk hub to meet yiting. then suddenly she cant come n bring us to her hse. reason: cant say. hahaha. then we went ourselves la. then at first yiting dowan to meet us. but she's allowed la. then we went to her hse and told her to go down with us. then talk to her for ONE WHOLE HOUR. then she finally agreed to go down aft washing up. then her bro is a craze over transformers la. then he keep doing the actions. then talk abt power rangers. then he keep snatching the ball frm yiting. hahaha. then when we went down to the gym. i run until leg so tired la. then we went to the swimming pool and play with the slides. nobody brought swim suits. so cant get into the water. so we only made our shorts wet la. then aft tt shu hui n yiting too tempted le. so they went into the water. then i was the only one nt wet. then they tried to push me into the water. TWO VS ONE leh!! then i keep struggling and screaming until they give up.
then when i want to go home first they brought me to the lift. then when the lift door closed they tried to wet me with their wet bodies. so i keep screaming. then is yiting's condo ma. so she asked us to stop cuz im screaming too loudly. will disturb neighbours. FINALLY shuhui stop. but i was a lil wet le. so i came back with my shorts SOAKING WET. and my shirt half wet. imagine tt. cool right?? haha. and me and shu hui were briefing yiting on the posts. then we keep laughing and said tt SHE was RETARDED. hahaha
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@7/07/2007 01:00:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i ALWAYS mention bad things abt you in my blog issit?? fuck off la you bastard. you only pollute my blog. salvage the situation?? more like you fucking cheebye make the situation worse.
must i see whether ur frens follow you?? tt only make my eyes get blind at the sight of YOU. i got say ppl MUST follow me is it?? i gt say you follow me is it? i say you follow US. you cant even get ur english correct. ad there you are trying to act cool with cheebyes, fucks and nabeis. you soft hearted?? oh so soft. soft until get crushed easily. LOL. since you sooooo many friends tagging along with you. go with them la. why follow us?? why pull shu hui?? y when wan ting pull her back you must pull again. dont you get tired of all ur nonsense? the msg IS you send me one ok. admit you are a backstabber la. anyway who want to tail you?? gt money take meh?? if got also dowan to tail. tail you i'd rather tail a pig. at least cuter than you.
you tell me wan ting they all slack. then you tell wan ting I say SHE slack. when she called me and ask, i forward the msg to prove my innocence. then you said you gt nth to say if she believes me. yes she believes me. so now what have you gotta say? NOTHING. cuz you mentioned you have NOTHING TO SAY if they believed ME. so shut ur ass up and mind ur own business. you love brandon, then go tell him. i laugh at his jokes, you said it was fake. i laugh at wan ting's jokes, y you dowan say?? you might as well say i love wan ting and want to fuck with her. its so damn obvious you're plain jealous.
wan ting and you TWO YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP huh?? WOW. i so scared leh. howhow?? fuck off la. you jealous of the strong bond is it?? cuz you have no bond at all right? well, we pity you.
AND i nvr said i was pretty. OPEN UR EYES BIG AND SEE THE POST. you just have low self esteem. then you thought i said i was pretty. oh wad GREAT comprehension skills you have. TEACH ME LA?? no thanks. the sight of you alr make me puke. since you sooo like to assume, i assume you think you're pretty too la. so shall i call you miss pretty lady everytime you walk pass me? so you want everyone to love you is it??
shall the class bow to you and say: I LOVE YOU?? or: miss DWACHIOBU.
ohman. GROW UP LA. accept facts ok?? simple skills like accepting facts need to be taught is it?? ok fine. i teach you.
ACCEPT FACTSohyea. and one more thing: we gt nth to ask you and benefit frm you. its YOU the one who's tagging along with us and making us SOFT-HEARTEDLY help you. see, this is the REAL way of using tt phrase. we dun need ur help. we dun have to so called PISS OFF cuz we have gt NOTHING to do with you. you get tt?? NOTHING.
♥ It's a typical love story
06 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/06/2007 08:31:00 PM
He Said She Said.

final effect

why you take a pic when i teaching abi how to pose

see? i win

look frm the scissors paper stone part to figure out the game

as the game goes on

she started X in extreme RIGHT

i started my O on the extreme LEFT

all blanks. before the game starts

i won. so i start tictactoe first

why you copy me roll my tongue?? LOL




im laughing like a gundu who hasn't laugh before in my entire life despite the fact i laughed for half hour

messy messy

why is my hair always so messy


i look FAT
we always go to the same place
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@7/06/2007 08:08:00 PM
He Said She Said.
now xueying's had gt back my happy happy attitude le. hahaha.
thanks xueying lol.
today went to J8. nicest le. many stalkings gng on in tt period of time. first i headed to mrt. then was walking behind pooven and brandon. then when i went up the escalator, xueying saw me. but i dint see her though we're on the phone.
then she said: i see you
then i said: why you stalk me??
haha. then went into mrt n stuff. then reach J8. and guess wad?? we saw ABIGAIL TAN MICKEY.(me n xueying promised to post in our blog. and guess wad? we saw....) then i go slap her back n say: ABIGAIL!! she was meeting her mum at KFC. so we stalked abigail. then we called aliff ask hm to come along. cuz he's in RI ma. then the conversation goes like this:
me: hello
aliff: hi
me: wan come J8 now?
aliff: why?
me: cuz me and xue ying n abigail there. so you must come to make it look like a mini cps gathering.
aliff: so where are you all gng?
me: the place where the bishan gay is located.(dint know who was bishan gay though)
aliff:(forgt wad he say) bye.
me: bye
then we went to kfc to meet abi's mum. then her mum treated us. SO GOOD LA. then we talked abt some very funny crap. then we laughed for HALF HOUR. and it was damn funny. we laughed at abigail's laughter. we laughed at abigail's "BOYFRIEND". we laughed at daven for saying we laugh silently. we laughed at my cockroach mum. we laughed at stupid mother. we laughed at loads more. now my stomach hurts. hahaha. and all along, the bishan gay was sitting behind us. and one more thing. i took this 3 packets of chilli sauce. then i cant open. then i told xy to open. then amos called her. then she passed abi the chilli to open. then abiagil was like: wad's ur problem?? cant even open a packet of chilli sauce?? then she tried to open. then in the end also cannot. then we started laughing
then suddenly phone rang. aliff called.
aliff: where are you all??
me: kfc. where the bishan gay is located
aliff: oh ok im gng there now.
me: k bye
aliff: bye
then suddenly he appeared. he sat down with the weird expression. then,
aliff: how u know tt's the bishan gay(point to the man behind us)
me, xue ying: huh? which? where??
aliff: there the one behind you with specs
me: HUH?!
aliff: yea. n just now on the phone you said bishan gay
me(realise tt): OH SHIT
me(haven finish food): faster go la.
xueying, abigail, aliff: ok let's go.
then we go chiong out of the place. with the bishan gay looking at us. nt us. more like aliff. he's only interested in GUYS. hahaha. and before aliff came, amos saw us. he stalked us. ahahaha. then we one side walk one side crap. then aliff went back to RI. hahaha. then we went back to j8 and took many many many pics.
post in the next post. although its just a short short meeting for all of us, we enjoyed it like SIAO
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@7/06/2007 07:48:00 PM
He Said She Said.
im posting 3 posts in all. this is a freaking pissed off post. wan read dowan read anything. sry for being rude lol.
ok let me start off.
to this someone:
like me or not, its ur choice.
hate me or not, its ur choice.
dun be so childish as to backstab us.
we're nt 3 year olds to be fooled by ur "foolproof plan".
you know you're hated.
but you still forced it out as if ppl welcome you.
you know you're the one i am referring to.
you know i nvr talk bad abt her.
you said i did.
you said they slack.
then you said i said they slack.
i showed them the prove to prove my innocence.
you gave tt i-have-nth-to-say-if-they-believe-me attitude.
you think you're smart just cuz u gt many A1s.
you complain to ur mum such trival matters.
you backstab us.
you like him. and you said i seem to enjoy all my time with him.
you agreed when she faked and say: lovel laugh so fake.
then you told her the next morning tt i said her laughter was fake to.
i haven talked to you since monday.
we had been kind enough to let you tag along with us.
we didn't complain infront of you.
you took advantage of tt.
you pulled her when she tried to pull her away.
they don't enjoy their time with you.
we had been kind enough to minimise our dissatisfaction with you.
they didnt ignore you.
you put wrds into my mouth.
you dont admit to the wrong things you have done.
the msg was rlly sent by YOU.
i forward it to her and you told her: i have nth to say if you believe her
you think we dont know
you think we suck
well, bear this in mind: we think you suck too.
i admit i disliked you since the start of the year.
but i nvr do any harm to you. i posted my dissatisfaction towards you at the start of the yr.
you know it, but you still had tt high-and-mighty attitude.
we accepted the fact and continued to talk to you.
now you backstab us.
you think its fun yea?
since you like to play so much,
play with others.
dun ruin our friendship.
you need us to teach you wad is strong bond yea?
i know you're trying to get back at us.
succeed or not, we'll know when the time comes.
everytime ppl scold you some vulgarities, you call ur mum.
when her results are bad n she told her sis, you told her: this kind of things also want say
you're no better.
you pissed me off today. so have you gt back wad you want??
if you did, get lost.
if you haven't, i have nth to say except the fact tt you bear a grudge.
find yourself friends.
have ur own opinion.
you wan attract him, do sth.
dun be jealous.
tt's all i wanna say to you. i've been real kind to DEDICATE this post specially for you. everybody have their own limits
♥ It's a typical love story
05 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/05/2007 08:47:00 PM
He Said She Said.
i completed DNT first project le. hahaha. was the comic life thing where we have to use comic life to do it. wan ting nt so lucky le. when she have done finish the comic. then suddenly comp hang. and she HAVEN SAVE. then in the end the whole thing was gone la. and i finished using the remaining fool scap tt i have recovered.
dnt was damn funny. esp when you are near to the guys you can hear the crap they talk and laugh urself. the guys played the slapping game agn. and they called pooven the bumble bee trying to zzzzz instead of eeeee to xiuming. hahaha. change style le. then xiuming keep blking. then they make damn lots of noise la. then i just commented to wan ting: why they so childish one?? then mr sim walk pass. then he heard. then he say: dun you know they are the in the childish corner? they primary one only.
and then was CME. the vid on the girl betraying her fren was out agn. then when the indian guy appeared they started shouting: pooven pooven. haha. CME was most funny le la.
then was HOME. haha. dismisssal la. then i went to amk hub with waisiong, shu hui and yi ting. then on the way was like VERY VERY NOISY la. then shu hui and yi ting say i gt secret admirer. then waisiong go and say: YES. =,= tt's like so lame la. in the end the girls started screaming aft him and ask him to tell them who was my secret admirer. see how a sweeping statement can bring harm to urself. hahahaha. then on the way ppl keep looking at us. hahaha.
then reach le they go and eat frm fairprice Xtra. and those stalls outside there also la. then share this and tt. then suddenly phone vibrate. then the caller was alvin. then i answer. but dowan talk. in case its some bloody prank. hahaha. then the person went: hello?? then im like: hello?? the voice is nt alvin's and its so obvious. it was my MUM. the cockroach MUM. then he told me to wait at 86. then when i reach there i go top up card then walk towards the queue. then he come poke me. hahaha. no la. then went up the bus n talk talk talk. talk indian stuff. and then when gng to reach he was nearer to the bell. then i said: press the bell. then he go stretch his hand. but was still far far away frm him la. tt's like REDUNDANT. obvious he doesn't want to press. then i said: its a mum's duty to press the bell. then he go n press. haha. then talk cock. then saw his hse. fine lor. RICH GUY. haha. RICH COCKROACH.
tmr might be gng out with cueyip. cuz she has NO SCHOOL. and planning to go J8. hope her mum allows her to. then plan to go to yi ting's hse the gym there on saturday. haha. i WANT to be busy. grant me tt wish. hahaha.
♥ It's a typical love story
04 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/04/2007 07:39:00 PM
He Said She Said.
mummy didnt wait for me. so badbadbad. haha. xueying!! you dowan go movies then at least go somewhere with me can?? like shopping? hahaha.
i hate mornings. always have stomachache. nvm. went to sch. then lessonslessons. went through elements n compounds. i was busy concentrating the basics. tt time the centipedes were killing me ma. haha. so now everything tchr says makes no sense. so in the end nvr listen. someone must tutor me le la. hahaha. cousellor investiture the front part is damn boring. and then when they started to dance to ultimate you jaslyn was near me. YAYYAY. hahaha. she's so cute dancing la. and chris had this i-dunno-how-to-say look la. hahaha. negative lol.
then was cca. FINALLY saw how my cockroach mummy looks like le. hahaha. totally had NO idea who was he although i was like standing quite near. then when he call me then i know. hahahaha. sounds weird when ppl whom i dunno pronounce my name correctly. hahaha.
then when cca end me n haziqah were walking tgt to mrt cuz ws was like with the girl guides. then me n haziqah were walking happily. then suddenly gt 2 indian guys. they started following us. then they started saying: the girl with the orange bag(haziqah). then i turn arnd la. then haziqah sorta like lectured me for doing tt. then suddenly they go say: the girl with the blue bag(me). then i act blur la. then followed us until mrt station then we turn arnd. then nomore le. wha scare me sia.
then mummy broke his promise of taking the same bus as me. also gd la. haha. then came online. amanda n cueyip were playing minesweper. wha pao qi me leh. cuz i came online late. then aft tt amanda keep saying wan to talk to my mum. but he's nt online. then amanda gtg le. then abt like 2 mins then mummy online. pro la. amanda. always no luck de. hahaha.
argh how shld i end this post?? nvm. as sudden as how it is started. haha bye.
♥ It's a typical love story
03 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/03/2007 04:13:00 PM
He Said She Said.
haha. today's drama lesson was the best. and english was the worse. i wanted to slp throughout the whole thing lor. im soooo damn tired la. and this morning i wake up then i check my inbox. tt's wad i do everytime la. then i saw one msg i nvr open de. but its alr read. GRR. so my mum read it la. wth. i HATE ppl doing tt. invading other ppl's privacy. ok i mean i dun HATE my mum but i dun like the way she checks on me.
as usual woke up RELUCTANTLY then washed up and stuff. tot i was quite early. but when i was eating feel like vomitting so need stop awhile. so wasted so much time. why are mornings so difficult to handle? went to school and saw 2 of haziqah's frens in the same bus as me. haha. then one of them was holding the same hp as me. haha. reached school as normal. received unexpected sms which i dun care. haha. was too sleepy to care. and i have concluded tt alvin is bad. cuz he dun let me see my mum. my cockroach mum i mean. first lesson was eng. no comments. then was science. learnt abt ELEMENTS and COMPOUNDS. then we did some funny stuff with it which i shall elaborate later when im blogging abt the drama part. hahaha.
recess then was DRAMA. yay i LOVE this lesson sooo much. cuz we have to go to the duno wad rm in the dnt blk. then mrs kamal was attending to the students frm other countries la. so we waited outside for her. then xiu ming was trying to be funny agn then he started acting cute by making his hand into all fingers meet with the thumb. then he started acting like a mosquito and eeee eeee eeee like mosquito flying. then he will move arnd his hand la. then when his hand touched pooven he will go eeeeeooo then everytime he touch someone he will go eeeeooo. then in the end pooven lrn frm him. then he go eeeee to xiu ming. then when he reach xiu ming's face he go and PIAK. he slapped him. very hard. gt the sound of the impact lor. then all the guys started laughing. then i saw willy laughing retardedly. then i wanted to slap him too. but he found out. haha. so couldn't la. my grandma so old still so alert leh. so pro lor. then in the end we went back classrm cuz mrs kamal STILL NVR APPEARED. hahaha. when we reach the classroom me, wan ting n waisiong have this "small gathering" at my table then brandon was infront of us. this is where the elements and compounds came to use. wai siong started screeching like a girl. then talk some chinese stuff tt i dun even understand. then he dunno say me wad: abc crap. then i tot he said acb. then cb sounds like he's scolding me. so i told him FCB. hahaha. then brandon turn arnd cuz waisiong was rlly screeching like a gal when i said he fcb. then he said waisiong is a COMPOUND. cuz the female genes and the male genes mix tgt. its nt a pure substance anymore. cuz it contains 2 elements. meaning waisiong is a gay la. then i asked him wad is xiuming. then he say: xiuming is a compound made of FATS, FATTER, and FATTEST elements. then me n wan ting started laughing.
then me and brandon were talking. then wan ting n waisiong were talking. then suddenly wan ting n waisiong talk some crap abt bigger than me(meaning in size) then wan ting turn n tap my shoulder. then the conversation goes like tt.
wan ting(in chinese): wai siong say he bigger than you. he where bigger than you??(referring to AGE)
brandon(turn arnd n kpo): still gt where?? la*jia* la.
waisiong: no la.(tries to explain he meant size)
brandon(interrupt): oh good lor. means you admit you no la*jia* la. means you are a compound la??
then me n wan ting started laughing like dunno wad agn. then keep calling him compound. hahahaha. but he was great nt to get angry. rlly laughed until i stomachache during drama. i STILL haven pay my library fine. n during maths have this donation thing. then i ask brandon to donate 10C to me. then he gave me a 5C. then i rmb i also have 5C. then i took it la. so altgt gt 10C le. haha. then i sealed the envelope and handed it in. then suddenly he turn n give me another 10C. then i ask for wad? he say: donation la. or else?? then i said i handed in alr. but he just gave it to me. hahahaha. so i gt extra 10C. ahahaha.
everyday gt ppl give me 10C then gd. like $$ drop frm the sky like tt. hahaha. aft tt wasn't so fun le. so no point blogging abt it.
n ohyea. ytd was at amk hub with my mum n sis then when went to ntuc then saw alvin. haha. then walk pass him 2 times. but saw him 3 times. but he only saw me once. all cuz of tt stupid yellow jacket. hahaha. or else he cant see me le. then i'll seem so mysterious. hahahaha.
♥ It's a typical love story
01 July 2007 ♥
Last footprint@7/01/2007 09:11:00 PM
He Said She Said.

eee. i look like some shit in the photos. so stiff and unnatural. stupid photos. but cheryl lim is pretty. the informal ones no need see le. like some ghosts inside. lol. but... 1/3 STILL ROCKS!! hahaha. dun understand why ppl spam our tagboard with 1/3 sucks. hahahaha
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@7/01/2007 08:27:00 PM
He Said She Said.
wth. whywhywhy. i have finished ALL my homework now. but i'm rusty-ing. i completed the compo. FINALLY. spent arnd 1 hour doing it. at least betta than willy. spent like 2 hrs sitting down there n nt a shit comes out of his brain. in the end sms me n ask wad am i writing. -.- hahahaha. ok shan't be SOOO bad lol.
now i seriously have NOMORE homework to do. and everybody's staying at home tmr. to do HOMEWORK. wad the hell. so i'll be damn bored. AGAIN. nvmnvm. now i understand the lifestyle of my dogs. slp wake up eat drink play slp agn. n the cycle goes on and on. this daily routine sucks. so frm now on i shall keep them occupied. hahahaha. its only 8pm++ im so bored.
today woke up VERY early n i also dunno why. hahaha. my early is actually 9am la. actually makes no diff. haha. to me its VERY EARLY lol. and then i came online until like afternoon then i offed the comp agn cuz xueying went offline alr. ohya. anyway i chatted with my mum on msn. i mean the fake one. the cockroach mother. hahahaha. and then i added xueying. and we were spending time eeeew-ing over "her" stupid jokes which ain't funny.
then i was listening to songs at the same time n having lunch at the same time. and me xueying my mum one convo. me xueying joanna another convo. n both the convo was talking abt the same guys. which made me laugh too la. ther's negative n positive impact. lol. then went to bathe. as usual. today faster just by tt tiny bit. ok fine i dun even keep track of the time. then when i finished bathing i wanted to revise my science cuz tt time the centipedes were making me dunno wad tchr say. but in the end the tb DOESN'T help. so sian. i still dun get the staircase thingy. i dun dun dun dun get it. so i give up n onned the comp agn. hahaha. but i actually understood the part on the groups and periods thingy. so im gng to buy sketchbk on the first day when school reopens again. hope i REMEMBER. n pay the library fine (unwillingly). class fund pay le. great. the bloody donation. i dun give a damn.
i dont want to help the school. im the real needy pupil. want help then come help me la. nvm. then amanda came online. she also have lotsa homework. so youth day is totally gone. i mean youth day is supposed to be for US. then y issit tt we still receive homework?? cant they give us a break. n give the tchrs a break too. yea the tchrs deserve it =) so no homework is still the best.
now im so damn bored. shall watch TV then
♥ It's a typical love story