31 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/31/2007 08:09:00 PM
He Said She Said.
actually planned to make today a homework day so tt i can be hardworking for a day.. LIKE REAL =P today has been real BUSY. well kinda sad cuz my hse there gt an empty rm then my father rented it out to a couple.
room rented out = no party with cueyip they all = no fun = holiday one less day of fun = turn rusty at home. ARGHHH!! really really very very sorry cueyip zzzmanda goanna ching yee mickey we cant have a party again. but just hope we'll forever rmb THE SWEET LEMONS!!!
back to today! seriously i have to say my phone appeared more scratches than ever before cuz my dog scratched it like dunno how many million times today. today's vesak day (duh) so i went to pray (duh). then my dogs went too =) dogs praying?? ermm nope. they seldom do tt. which means they DID. ok so it rained while i prayed. ok i sorta nvr pray cuz i was taking care of the dogs. but my dad did. haha. then aft praying it was arnd afternoon 2+??
then my dad drive drive drive drive till city there. the road was kinda busy. slow traffic rather than traffic jam though. so my dad suggested we go to haw par villa. YAY!! i've been wanting to do tt for the past 1 yr. i dunno y, i juz wanna go there. the thought of it seems to make me happy. i went to the 10 courts of hell (nt the real one) to see the punishment. kinda freaked out. dunno whether you believe annot. but i DO believe. there are punishment like taking out the intestines, put you in oil wok, throw you into the mountain of knives, tree of knives andd many many more gross stuff. n most of the bad thngs u do which will lead to this is nt respecting elders, rude to parents n stuff. so i betta be guaikia frm now on. hahaha. so left the place at 3++. go for 1 hr plus plus only. cuz dogs aren't allowed. kinda SMUGGLED in. HAHA
so aft tt we went to pray again. at another place. then aft tt its just 30 mins liddat. then wanted to go n eat. so we went to east coast park. YEAH!! then was very very very very full le. so i just went home. n on the way back i saw the ferris wheel. yeah its kinda big. but frm far it still looked small. ok 4 places in one day. HOW TO DO HOMEWORK? crap cares. still got 3 more weeks. n i know AHEM like who le. so he betta nt offend me. ahahaha. ok i'm nt so bad to tell.
♥ It's a typical love story
30 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/30/2007 06:27:00 PM
He Said She Said.
wha damn long nvr post le. cuz my modem was like taken out for 2 whole pathetic days. cant be bothered to say wad happened. LONG STORY. kinda sian. nono. shld say VERY SIAN can?
ok my sis bought SHREK EARS. ta ma de dun let me wear. haha. no la. she let me wear. a lil while only. then she wears it like for the whole day la. like its her BAOBEI or wad?
MONDAY: sickeningly BORING. had science remedial as a class. 12 to 130. then tt mrs dan keep talking until 150. n then say wan post answers in portal then nvr post. hahaha. but anw thnx to tt excuse i gt back my modem. cant find the answers. so went to check the inbox (ande portal de). damn sad to find out tt gt maths assignment. SHIT SHIT SHIT!! so i did la. kinda dunno wad to do. cuz tt's the first wrksht for inequalities. hahaha. so had some advice frm victoria. THANKS. advice as in how to do. I NVR COPY ANSWER K?? so kevin wanted answers frm me. in return he tell me hu say hu like me. blah blah. i nt tt stupid. DEAL OFF. i lazy to give him answers. so dunno hu say me la. high possibility is SEE WEI LI WILLY. or ws which i kinda doubt. hahaha. n then before end sku need go cca. thanks to u ALVIN that we cant have cca. hahaha. ok la. shan't be sooo bad. lol. then we felt like smacking him (we as in me n haziqah)
TUESDAY: doing maths at home. SIAN SIAN SIAN. went online for the WHOLE DAY. then at night went out to eat SUPPER. gd appetite. then aft tt come back le sign in awhile la. then there's a 6 ppl convo or wad?? then damn confusing. went to brush teeth with the CONVO "GROWING". hahaha. so when i come back everybody left the convo. n dear cueyip signed out le. she say today go m'sia(today as in WEDNESDAY). so i also damn sian dowan tok. so just went to SLP
WEDNESDAY(today): went for lit. missed a bus stop. dun have the habit of pressing the bell. so walked. then reach traffic saw LIN WAN TING also LATE. hahaha. so she waited for me cuz her bus is DRIVING n i am WALKING. so we went to avt n then its another class there. n the door is i open de. ARGHH!! paiseh. then go for lit tt tym in classrm. i was packing my bag.. hahaha. then nvr listen at all. then ended at 9.40. YAY!! so we sorta played hide n seek with plus one(shall nt disclose identity). she's rlly getting on my nerves. hahaha. then go eat cheese fries with wan ting n ws. then wan ting missed a bus cuz of tt. HAHAHA. sorry paiseh. made her wait for me. cuz i eat damn slow. forbid her to go on bus. HAHAHA. then aft tt went to class. EMPTY. on music. go cyber lab. go online. hello i'm LOVEL THE GREAT can? stop discriminating PLEASE. ok fine then CCA CCA. become friendster friendster. then crapness crapness. aiya cant be bothered to say more.
so my life just goes on LIKE THAT. I CANT STAND IT LA. hols like no hols. friday let haziqah force go sku. aiyaaaaa... I"M LAZY!!
♥ It's a typical love story
26 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/26/2007 10:25:00 AM
He Said She Said.
happy toilet was fun. happy toilet was very fun. happy toilet was extremely fun. haha. crap. kinda nvr post cuz i'm lazy. expected la.
so we did happy toilet after school for a few days la. 4 days in all. so i think my CIP hours shot up alot ba. hahaha. we spent alot of time doing the "human girl" or wadeva u call it la. the girl's toilet is far better than the guys'. ok the guys r catching up la. so its called BOTH ARE NICE. haha. so on the 3rd day.. kinda chaotic. cuz SOME OTHER CLASSES KEEP COMING TO OUR TOILET TO SEE. number 1: waste our time. number 2: they commented. number 3: they dun let us see their toilet when we let them see ours. number 4: they're kinda rude. number 5: they complain to tchr dunno wad abt us n 1/3 have a so called bad reputation now. n justin zhixiang xiuming cheryl sharmini they all were the so called victims la. actually i also dunno wad happen. they say that that particular class say sharmini push them into the toilet then they complain to tchr. the thing i dun understand is: y must sharmini push them into the toilet? ok la. we're kinda bushuang with them in the first place cuz despite letting them come our toilet n COMMENT on them, when we went to their toilet to see, they juz slam the door in our face. n then anyhow say sharmini push them n then they go complain to tchr n in the end justin they all gt "scolding" or sth. but all in all, we still enjoyed the process of decorating the toilet and if SOME OTHER CLASSES dun come n disturb, it would be much better n before ytd(which is the 3rd day), we no need to go home at 7 le. ok i went home at 6++. kinda late.
now the nice thing of the toilet. the guys keep fooling arnd n making us laugh. but the prob is, tt makes the wrk slow la. but at least we get to enjoy it. n the guys toilet kinda disgusting. shall nt ELABORATE on that. 1/3 will know wad i toking. haha. n special thanks to FAATIHAH for helping us in the happy toilet.

see, dean was playing la
the guys
a rare chance
xiu ming was kinda funny on the third day. cuz we were supposed to go home at 6. i stayed till 6.30. so we sorta started to pack up at 6.10 liddat. so we need to throw the rubbish by ourselves n the rubbish is kinda big n the big dustbin is at the guard post there ma. so we need to walk frm the toilet to the guard post. very long n tiring ma. then xiuming very good. he go push the whole dustbin to the staircase there for us to throw. he said it was kinda smelly la. hahaha.
see he so hardwrking
n yesterday was sports carnival la. then there's only mass wrkout, english n recess. shldn't have brought my pinafore. it's of no use la. but after that we went to happy toilet. then i go eat with my mum n get $$ for top up ez link card. left 5 cents only leh.then after completing the happy toilet we all went to amk hub la. then we went to mac to eat. i eat le ma. so i bought a 50 cents ice cream only lor. its NICE lor. cuz i dun have much $$ with me. n i eat le ma. then jiu sui bian yi dian. then we took pics in mac with jaslyn's cam. hahaha. then aft tt cheryl's kinda pissed tt day. n she in girl guides ma. so she need to reach at 12.30 n in her guides uniform. but she realise she forgt to bring her belt for the uniform. so she wasn't doing much for the guides in the stadium la. then we got many milo coupons ma. we go get frm faatihah more. hahaha. then in the end the whole class ask us to buy la. so we all went n dunnno y my queue muz queue so long la. so i just ask alvin haoren help me take. then he at first dowan take. aft tt then take. then aft tt i bring back. everybody say drank le. then i oso dowan le. then brandon say he want ma. so i give him la. then they start to cheer. wad's ur prob?? is u all dowan then i give him de right. u dun expect me to drink it right. ok nvm. they were playing. hahaha. then aft tt i went to class flag there to hang the flag la. but we dunno hang there means joining the competition. so we just hung la. we nvr win la of course. but it looked nice frm far.

near view. inexpeienced ma. cant blame.
we'll do betta next yr de. haha. then before sports carnival was in sku tt tym even before the happy toilet was english. it was the last day with miss lim. so we took pics during happy toilet. but before tt we played scrabble. then i team with shu hui. yiting n wanting. 2 vs 2. then we change the rules abit. cuz gt 2 players. so limit us to max 14 tiles if we wanna take la. so me n shuhui take alot. then in the end using the tiles that we own. nt purposely make de. we unscrabble it personally n we created many many funny phrases then in the end we laughed like siao la.

tuesday eat you
we laughed the loudest for this. GAY AQUA

gay eat tie
very toot


tis one is purposely do de. dean wong + yiting. cant find NG
♥ It's a typical love story
22 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/22/2007 08:57:00 PM
He Said She Said.
today was VERY VERY RETARDED.. i went to sku la. anw SOMEBODY pls stop tele-communicating with SOMEONE in the bus. this SOMEBODY will know who i am referring to la. anw today went to sku. classroom pretty empty. got a bad news. CHANGE SEATING ARRANGEMENT.. n i ended up with ZIGUI n casmelin!! ARGHH! kinda upset.(nt cuz of cas) n i managed to chiong my ting xie. so had lessons.
first lesson was history. RECEIVED HOLIDAY HOMEWORK!! diao diao diao. i hate it la. next was chinese. mr chin very good lor. he give us 15 min last minute revise. then wan ting n yiting went to sit with shu hui. but i dowan to sit with AHEM or zi gui ma. so i juz change to jing fang there. i juz FORGOT everything la. then i EVERYTHING oso copy jing fang la. but i noe how to write the wrds ma. so that makes it pretty soft wrk for me. then found out tt my chinese got B3!! yay frm B4 become B3. HAHAHA. k its kinda lan. 2 a1s. 1 a2 or sth liddat la. so only got one failure. mr chin say de. then we asked him who. then he said: quan bu jing tian you lai de ren dou pass. then me n yiting they all were thinking: who is absent?? then we found out it was christopher. then we were kinda relieved we passed la. I PASSED ZHONG GUO LI SHI!! THNX WAN TING!! =)
then aft tt was recess then its D&T. it was kinda funny la. brandon n pooven sitting tgt ma. so they rtied to act cute again la. GUYS R RETARDED!! then they go search for osama when they were supposed to like search for advertising products la. then i walked away to see wing sang's comp ma. then they go use my comp find osama. WALAU. DAMN CRAP CAN?? then tchr jus nice walk pas seh. then i faster say: WALAU BRANON. STOP GNG TO OSAMA WEBSITE LA. U IDIOT. then tchr was like: i must take note of u n pooven already(pooven was innocent).. HAHAHA. then saw wing sang flood haziqah's n alvin's comment. HAHA.
then it was maths. so it was miss ng's lesson n then VP come ma. so we did some angle stuff wad hexagon pentagon wad crap. i dun even know how to spell la. so she teach us how to fold a five sided figure. wad's tt called?? aiya crap cares. then the whole class got it right except for pooven. his shape is cut into half. LOL!!
then miss ng wanted to show us our results.. i juz glanced thru la. some A1s!! YAY!! but i got english fail. 49!! walau. highest failure. DAMN IT LA!!
then aft tt rain!! WOOHOO! then i went to eat. then actually wanted to do kuai le ce suo. budden no materials. so i went to do class flag. then we actually stained the floor. AHHH!! beginner's crap. then we juz use water n newspaper. hahaha. then aft tt we spray paint then the whole class was foggy la. cuz the paint gt a type of dunno-wad-is-it-called gas la. so we touching up tmr. cant stand the smell. ended at arnd 5++. damn tired. lol. then went home. on the bus feel like slping sia. then juz on comp la. sian sian sian.
now cueyip is flooding my tagboard then my tagboard suddenly appear a "this page cannot be displayed" at the msg box. crapness. now her tag muz be left there. ARGH CUEYIP!! i dun like u la. JUZ TO CLARIFY!! I DUN LOVE ANY GUYS IN ANDERSON OK?? IN FACT I DUN LOVE ANYBODY EXCEPT FOR MUMMY DADDY VERA GIGI BIBI N MY BEST MATES!! YEA MAN!!
♥ It's a typical love story
21 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/21/2007 07:32:00 PM
He Said She Said.
damn it la. my results r like so damn damn damn damn shitty la.. at least cueyip(xueying a.k.a mojo jojo) got a 10th in class right?? see la.. cue yip.. u making me sad la. anw we've all gt new names again. i DUNNO WHY!! for some stupid reasons ba. anw amanda juz went offline so i juz came in n post. cuz nth to do. the most depressed thing is my english gt 50.3/100 which is also 50/100 which is also just pass la. which i m damn depressed of. so my maths gt 38/60(shittily done), science 77/100(ok la.. many ppl gt 80++), chinese hist 25/50(pro right?), chinese paper 45/60(if i'm nt wrong), home econs 77/100(if i'm nt wrong), n many more la. tmr DNT. sian la. i wan back my home econs. i dowan DNT. i wan home econs. year faster end la. i wan HOME ECONS!! ok i'm kinda lan at cooking. but DNT would be even worse for me la.
so today went to sku with a shitty mood dunno y.. then aft tt board 86.. drive drive drive. then take 72. blah blah. talked. then kevin shouted over: wing sang yao gen ni jiang hua(over the bus. kinda empty) then i shout back: jiao ta da gei wo. then ws called me n told me she was kinda late. nope its very late. haha. then i juz okok lor. if u still haven come during assembly(which i doubt) then i tell ms ng lor.. blah blah. then went to class. learnt ting xie. the stupid 3 poems. WAN ME DIE AH?? then i nvr lrn at all. so faster chiong. in the end they say: TODAY NO TING XIE. GO THRU EXAM PAPER. wha siao. make me lrn until so xin ku. but its a gd thing. cuz i haven lrn finish. hahaha. so took back many many results. ok i nvr fail. but i juz scrape thru la. then pass lor. which is very very pathetic. then CE tt tym i keep calling kevin a flasher cuz he nvr tuck in then wan ting say him tt time he go purposely lift up his shirt a lil. isn't tt called a flasher?? so he called me lesbian. then aft tt wan ting help me answer back: aiya jie mei yi chang. wo bu gen ni ji jiao la. FLASHER! hahaha. then aft sku kinda no appetite so dint eat much la.
then aft eat finish alvin the small called n ask me take key frm mr nathan n then i ask haziqah take she oso come n ask me take. walau. in the end i saw mr nathan then alvin the small came. wha waste my time. so went to cca. oni pooven omar zi gui me n ws plus shiru plus some sec 2 guys which looks like sec 1.. so nth to do. juz crapped la.. pooven go on tv max volume seh.. then e quality so lan one. e sound nt nice de lor. then pooven juz go n switch it off la. so lame. then aft tt saw haziqah. the only thing she said was: PACK SET!! haha. then pack la. then alvin came. then we call him porn master. haha. ws started it first. i was just the follower la. then crapped crapped crapped. went home early. thnx for dismissing us early ah. u noe hu u r. then walked with nian tee haziqah wing sang to mrt station then to amk hub. alvin joined us on the way la. then nian tee n ws was like walking so fast la. walau. si dou bu yao wait for me n haziqah. haziqah wanted alvin to catch up so tt can meet nian tee. then in the end alvin infront le. so we ran. then nian tee purposely no run. walau. waste effort. ahahaha. then aft tt i go home lor. yeap. n gt a keychain frm alvin the small. keychain. EMPTY KEYCHAIN!! relax i'll keep it properly.
ytd i went to pulau ubin to pray. then say this damn big spider la. very big. u can totally like see the parts of the body when its high up on the wall la. then gt many animals. as in cats n dogs. then the boat was kinda fun. i stand up ma. lol. the pics kinda ugly. dun wan put. ok all my pics r ugly. fine wadeva. LAZY LA
♥ It's a typical love story
20 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/20/2007 02:01:00 PM
He Said She Said.
Found this personality test that is very accurate! i think you all should try!
Note: To ensure the accuracy of the test, it is important that you do not skip any of the 10 listed steps. You are also to complete the steps in sequence.
1) Take a piece of paper, and draw a 8cm by 10cm rectangular box.2) Draw a circle within the figure. You are allowed to choose the position and the size of the circle.3) Draw a stick man. Make sure your stick man does not intersect with the circle drawn in Step 2.4) Draw an accessory for the stick figure. E.g. a flower, a hat.5) Draw your favorite fruit at the top right corner of the figure.6) Perform the following equation mentally, without resorting to a calculator, writing materials or any other aids: 1600 + 44 x 3. Write your answer at the bottom left corner of the figure.7) Write the first name that comes to your mind under your drawing of the stick man.8) Choose among a) Sun; b) Moon; c) Star. Draw your chosen object in the figure, at any position you desire.9) Draw another stick man in the figure. The second stick man can intersect with any of the objects already in your drawing.10) Tear along the edges of your figure and place the final piece of work in front of you. You have successfully completed the test. Scroll to the bottom of this entry for an analysis of your personality
Your analysis:
"You are a socially inactive person who prefers spending weekends doing useless ‘personality tests’ on the internet instead of more meaningful activities, such as watching TV. If you did this test in the office, then you are an able person who is likely to have a good balance between work and play. Your boss may also be thinking of firing your sorry ass.You are also a very obedient person who does all that is asked of you without any questions. It is thus highly likely that you are a Singaporean.On the other hand, if you are a smart ass who is reading this without having attempted the test at all, then I suggest you pay a visit to the doctor’s soon because you are incapable of comprehending simple instructions.Last but not least, you are a very, very bo liao person. But don’t worry too much because the person who created this test is even more bo liao than you.Thank you for completing this test. I hope you enjoyed it. Forward it to as many people you can think of, but probably not to your boss."
♥ It's a typical love story
19 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/19/2007 06:36:00 PM
He Said She Said.

sorta obsessed with minesweeper. haha. i luv WINNING. but many ppl dun rlly know how to play la.. played 5 games with shu hui today. N I WON ALL 5!! hahaha. sry ah too proud. lol. n then aft tt i played sudoku with shu hui. she won me la. cuz i dunno how to play. i dint know gt time one. cuz so far i only play before the one with xue ying. no VS de. means juz figure it out urself la. then play with shu hui is GOT SCORE GOT TIME de. haha. gtg le. short short post for boring days. LOL
♥ It's a typical love story
18 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/18/2007 05:00:00 PM
He Said She Said.
ooh. i'm too free.. cuz i dun play dota.. second post of the day.. i played minesweeper again!! n i won 3 matches out of the 3 matches.. 2 brains 1 brainless(luck la).. basically xue ying wasn't using her brains at all n let me win everything.. so i oni print screen n crop for the last 2 games. 1 brain.. 1 luck..

i faster print screen before i win!! hahaha
here's the brain which is brainless cuz xue ying nvr put any effort:

red is mee
so every game.. red is mee.. hahaha. n i WON!! woohhoo
anw yiren did the test i made for alvin.. n alvin's answers were:
q: who do you think you are??
o: bubbles (ppg inside de)
strawberry shortcake
courage the cowardly dog
a: courage the cowardly dog
q: what would be ur email if u r allowed to choose between this 4??
o: iamanoob@hotmail.com
a: irocktheworld@hotmail.com
q: at wad age would you prefer to twit?
o: 15
a: 15
q: wad describes you best in the four options below??
o: dude
kind & nice
a: flirtatious
q: do you realise a pattern in the answers??
o: yes, they go by your style
yes they go by ABCD
yes they go by DCBA
no, not at all
a: no, not at all
q: wad age do you like most?
o: 40
a: 40
q: who is involoved in this quiz-making?
o: spongebob n scooby doo
scooby doo and mojo jojo
none of the other options
mojo jojo n spongebob
a: none of the other options
q: does all the answers make sense??
o: no i dont understand y i get majority wrong
yes, cuz i get almost all right
no, are u sure this quiz is meant for me??
yes, i\'m a retard to understand n answer the retarded questions correctly
a: no, are u sure this quiz is meant for me??
q: do you think you are capable??
o: duh i\'m the president n maths rep leh
no, cuz i slack in everything
sure, i rule the world
a: no, cuz i slack in everything
q: which class do u love most in anderson??
o: 3/3
a: 1/3
q: do you think you scored well for this test based on ur results above??
o: nope. cuz i dun understand the questions
nope. cuz i gt all wrong
yes, cuz i majority get correct
yes. cuz i\'m a retarded mugger
a: yes. cuz i\'m a retarded mugger
q: do you think the ppl who create this test is mean??
o: yes!! how can they sabo me???
no la. its a personality test. i won\'t blame them for doing this
yes!! i m NOT RETARDED!!
no. i\'m kind n generous
a: no la. its a personality test. i won\'t blame them for doing this
q: do you think u know urself now??
o: no.
ermm.. nt sure
this questions cannot be answered
a: this questions cannot be answeredq: question
o: options
a: answers
all these were his answers.. but only 3 were correct.. hahah.. the answers were ABCDABCDABCDA!! hahaha. gt pattern de.. sry for sabo-ing u here.. i hope i still can get cca points.. HAHAHA.. dun minus ok?? i give u present for children's day then u dun minus ok?? hahaha.. n yiren gt 92.. then i gt 7.. purposely de.. to make alvin be in the middle agn... I RLLY TRIED!!
anw in conclusion, alvin thinks he is:
courage the cowardly dog,
his email is
acts cute at the age of 15(quite true),
is flirtatious(yeaa),
thinks the answers are nonsensical,
loves being 40(loves to be young),
thinks the quiz is nt meant for him(nt facing reality),
thinks he slack(lack of self confidence),
loves 1/3(is a crapper),
thinks he scores well cuz he's a retarded mugger(2nd part is right. but 1st part is a lil bhb),
dun blame others for putting up a PERSONALITY TEST for him(forgiving, like real),
dunno abt himself.
isn't my analysis gd?? ok its mean. wadeva blah blah. but who visits my blog?? hahaha. except xue ying??
♥ It's a typical love story
Last footprint@5/18/2007 01:35:00 PM
He Said She Said.
last night i was abt to slp then amanda called. cuz in the afternoon i called her to come over to cps.. but she was SLEEPING!! aiyo amanda. shld have came with us ma.. it was so fun lor.. anyway she called.. then i told her the things tt happen.. n then i haven say finish she's alr laughing.. so i laughed too.. n she asked hu is kway chap.. then i told her. then she laugh.. hahahaha.. it was 10:21 when she called(specific???) then she put down the phone arnd 40 mins lata.. so long seh we tok. then aft tt immediately my mum came home le.. then i pretend to slp la.. budden aft tt she caught me opening my eyes.. LOL!! i'm such a lousy actor. now i noe y i cant beat YIREN in tt aspect le. hahaha. then i dunno whether shld wear wad tmr.. so i smsed ws.. no reply.. guess she was slping. cuz early this morning she replied. hahahaha. then yiren very GUAI.. i slp le he still haven slp. he was doing the quiz in my blog. so he got 30% which is the lowest among all. hahaha..
so this morning wake up damn slpy. but too bad la.. still need to go sku. so i changed into pe attire then pinafore put over. then ws say jaslyn oso wear half sku u.. then shu hui oso sms me say half sku u.. so i juz went with half sku u la.. then alvin say full sku u.. crapper la. half sku u is MORE COMFORTABLE!! lol.. so went to sku. then wan ting have some npcc stuff then need to go arnd all the sec 1s tell them to bring uniform n stuff la.. so i followed lor.. then willy was supposed to go to but he dowan.. so i was like: u gng annot?? he sae: NO!! then i say: then u dun blame me for tickling u ok?? then he was like.. NONONO!! okok i go i go. see how mean i am?? make him so scared of me.. lol.. so we went.. then he remained silent throughout.. so i was like: EMILIE COME HERE!! then he say: i'm nt emilie la.. then i say: wadeva la.. u wan me tickle u izzit? u go ask ur fren cummout of the damn classrm NOW!! then he dowan.. so i screamed across 1/1.. he said i was SIAO!! who cares?? i'm screaming for a person.. gt reason de k? haha.. then went for assembly.. it was damn naggy today.. n i was caught for my hair.. when other ppl nvr get caught. eh they nt betta than me k??
then we aft assembly had this CRUSH wrkshop.. then survey thing.. then we went to watch movie. walau.. let us watch halfway only.. might as well dun let us watch.. let us go home n slp.. but it was quite nice.. but i was toking to yiting so missed some parts.. i oni like the fighting part. then i was like: ehh yiting. y ur husband so violent de ah? then she say: wad husband?? then i say: the pirates la.. u so violent muz have violent husbands de ma. then she's like: NO LA THEY"RE NT MY HUSBAND.. so she wanted to go toilet aft tt then nobody dare to go cuz there were upper sec behind suddenly stand up v weird.. though many ppl do tt. then in the end wai siong went himself.. then yiting still dowan go toilet.. but i dowan go ma.. so i juz stayed there the whole tym.. then in the end jiu END SKU LE!! yeah.. so i came home n BLOGGED.. sad la.. ppl stop testi-ing me le.. alvin happy le lor.
♥ It's a typical love story
17 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/17/2007 07:31:00 PM
He Said She Said.
today was absolute FUN!! i was contemplating whether to go or not to meet xue ying they all cuz many ppl last minute cannot go ma.. but in the end we dint get to enter canberra cuz some kuku GUARDS dowanna let us in.. so nvm lor..
then before tt i went to meet abi at 140++ liddat. then xue ying immediately call n GREAT NEWS she dismissed early.. bad news for abi cuz she wan go home n put her heavy bag. then i was like teasing her. u noe mickey mouse bag is gr8? u know ur name is abigail tan mei qi which means mickey in dunno which lang.. so u shld lrn frm me n gt a mickey bag too. then she TICKLE me!! walau!! she tickle v funny one lor. tickle like poke ppl liddat.. its DAMN PAIN k?? then i went back home with her la.. then xue ying was like blowing me n her le ma. so i faster run to yck mrt station. then aft tt we went to sun plaza.
here's the nice part:
we were gng up the escalator to the food court then we saw DAVEN at the drinks stall there.. then we were like HIHI n BYE BYE!! then we went to order our food n stuff.. then we sat down n eat.. then me n xue ying ordered chicken rice n then abi ordered some beef noodles n yoyo ordered some noodles la.. then me n xue ying exchange nametags.. so mine's yellow n hers green.. in anderson yellow is sec 4 ma.. then phs green is sec 4 ma.. then we exchange nametags so we became sec 4.. n ya.. i was eating n eating then i saw my sis fren, LIP KAI!! then i was like: did i see wrongly?? n its GREEN NAMETAG!! then i dun care lor.. he dunno me wad.. hu cares?? so me n xue ying was teasing yoyo abt NICHOLAS TAN(nt frm anderson 1/3).. then abigail tried to help yoyo. then me n xue ying say: aiya u oso la.. NIGEL TAN right?? ehh we senior ok? muz respect us.. dun tok back.. we're sec FOUR!! then daven came la.. so he joined us in the toking.. then aft tt we told daven we r senior.. then i told him: n yoyo likes nicholas tan. then xue ying continue: n abi likes nigel tan.. then we all both one side laugh one side say: EHH BOTH OSO START WITH LETTER 'N' LEH.. then we started laughing.. we juz said it so coincidentally la. then aft tt we say: see la.. seniors eat rice(cuz we eat chicken rice), juniors eat noodles(cuz they eat noodles), seniors nt attached.. juniors ALL ATTACHED!! then abigail started to tok about kwap chap again.. then aft tt she say; lovel i realise everytime i say kwap chap then u'll smile.. u like him izzit?? then i was like: everytime i say nigel u oso smile.. then u like him izzit?? then she was like: noo blah blah.. then xue ying was at the corner laughing. then we were like: XUE YING U LIKE NIGEL AHH?? then she say: no la no la.. i laughing at u all n stuff. then aft tt we say: EHH DAVEN!! kckckckckckc! then he smiled.. he actually smiled!! then he was like: WAD??!! then i one side laugh one side say: ehh daven.. we tok abt kay.....(i was laughing so couldn't complete the sentence) then he say: i'm nt GAY!! then i say: NONO i toking abt KAY nt GAY.. then he say: ya i helped u complete the statement by saying i'm nt gay.. (its obvious he's saying he like kc he's a gay.. but he dun like so he's nt) then i said: OOHH!! U WAN ME TO SAY I'M NT GAY ISIT?? OBVIOUSLY I'M NOT GAY LA.. U THEN GAY MA.. SO THE SENTENCE WOULD BE: ehh daven we tok abt kc i'm not gay la.. (does this statement makes sense?!?!) so we ended up laughing like siao liddat. then daven kip dropping his umbrella.
then aft tt we went to the library.. cuz abi wanted to be GUAIKIA(like real).. so we went there n she immediately run to the machine n type AVRIL LAVIGNE!! then i'm like.. this is for you to search for BOOKS!! nt SINGERS! then she say: aiya can la can la.. then guess wad popped out? it says sth like: avril lavinge spongebob squarepants movie!! then daven shout softly: I LOVE SPONGEBOB!! then abi started laughing.. so me n xue ying went to the CHILDREN'S SECTION.. then there was many books saying age frm 6-9.. then me n xue ying were like.. OOH!! WE'RE 16.. N WE'RE LOOKING AT 6 YR OLD BOOKS.. OK I DEGRADED BY 10 YRS!! WHAA!! so we found a book titled: the SLANTED BOOK!! and the book was shaped in a slanted way.. then we say: ABI!! WE FOUND A DAMN NICE BK FOR YOU LEHH.. then she diao. then complain by screaming.. then we walked away.. then we go cps then e guards dun let us in. then we walked arnd n take photos. then abi purposely go n splash water at us. so we used umbrella blk. then she go kick it.. wth.. xue ying's spoilt le.. HAHAHAHA.

the broken part
then we took pics. mostly with xue ying.. then they were damn stupid la.. here's all:

i help them act

i am sec 4!!

we tried to TWIT
yolande lovel xue ying (yoyo, scooby doo, mojo jojo)
we r all SEC 4S!!!
♥ It's a typical love story
15 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/15/2007 11:12:00 AM
He Said She Said.
YAY!! THE WADEVA MYE'S R ALL OVER!! ALL!! but the dreadful sad thing is.. the results would be out soon
nvm i lazy to type more. hand nt as free as CHENG XUE YING!! hahaha.. tmr no school.. its a BLESSING!! lalala. anyway i yesterday twitted with amanda n alvin. its so damn tiring ok?? n i gt an early slp. makes me feel much fresher. although i found out tt having more slp makes me more tired in the morning. but it does help when i finish brushing my teeth!! feels much fresher. today i spent more than 10 minutes brushing my teeth.. juz because i saw a BABY COCKROACH. focus on the wrd COCKROACH nt BABY. hahaha. COCKROACH COCKROACH.. like wad the hell.. xue ying encountered baby LIZARD n i encountered a baby COCKROACH.. damn it la.. ok both r mean creatures. but mojo's worse. cuz the lizard fell to her shirt. hahaha. i pity u xue ying!!!! anyway.. i saw tt damn cockraoch. then i saw it crawling. then i nvr wear my specs la damn it.. cant see where it gng. but i tink it went out of the toilet to my mum there. which means ITS STILL IN MY PARENT'S ROOM!!! its nt dead yet. ok la.. dun wish it dead. but at least juz GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!
anyway aft tt i went to SCHOOL!! like SCHOOL for goodness sake.. i went to SCHOOL to finish my damn paper. LITERATURE. lucky they gt give us an extract frm the novel. or else i die le. i NVR STUDY AT ALL!! anw its alr a gr8 thing its all all all over. juz w8ing for the DAMN results.. looking backward to it.. backward backward!! anyway today is like so damn suay la. i got out of the hse.. prepare to go bus stop le.. then i walk to my gate.. then 2 HUGE DROPS OF RAINWATER drip on my head. walau!! i juz wanna leave the hse only leh. please la. give chance rite. then in the end my maid brought me to the bus stop. then stop raining (as in drizzle) then i juz boarded the bus. haha. i ran for it. lol. but was stiu later than haziqah n alvin. then tt damn traffic took such damn long tym juz to turn GREEN!! waste my precious time. n i'm surprised abigail dint sms me this morning. cuz on monday morning's she usually very crappy to send me KWAY CHAP msgs. hahahahaa. if u noe wad i referring to. XUE YING I NOE U NOE WAD I TOKING!! BUT U BETTA DUN SAY WAD OR HU IS KWAY CHAP!!
then aft tt took the bus. CROWDED SEH!! then when i alight frm the bus the rain was DAMN BIG!! worse than when i left the hse. shall i describe it?? aiya.. nvr test compo. no need describe la. anw my description sux too. hahaha. so i went to sku.. all DRENCHED.. cool lor. nice lor. shuang lor. damn rain. hahaha. then today dunno y.. all guaikia. all study leh.. but still very noisy.. then went to chase abuelita to wish him happy birthday. ya its kinda late. 1 day aft his 99th bd. LOL!! he reminds me of P6 memories.. its like 2 joined classes. in the LO room.. then sit anywhere u like.. then when tchr get out of the class, nigel go lock the door.. zihao n tsz ping fight (real de hor) n those memories. pleasant n unpleasant. they still made a PERFECT MEMORY for me. sure it does to canberrians 6.1 n 6.2 '06.. then we'll like chase aft him in big grps.. n then scream: ABUELITA!! ABUELITA!!(it means great great grandma in dunno wad language.. it was a story tt ms vasu wanted us to read.. n abuelita was a character inside)..
ok enuff of this. switch to happy mood.. so now aft the exams. FREEDOM!! now this reminds me of alvin. see i mentioned u in my post. so nice right?? hahaha... so todae aft sku copied the science file content page. then aft tt v late le.. so went home.. damn 86. took longer than usual.. i saw 4-25 buses went pass.. 86 still haven come. then smsed shuhui. tmr MAYBE gng out la. then aft tt i come back home.. switch on comp. went to check my emails. then friendster. ya one more thing. alvin u r covered again. ya. so buck up. try nt to twit. LOL.. amanda n i spent so much fun twitting. but its DAMN TEDIOUS!! hahahaha. how do ppl survive with this? is like its so hard to type liddat.. so difficult to understand.. so difficult to read.. its not cute. or wadeva. so y bother to like "DECORATE" ur wrds or wad?? haha. anw tis post is gng to be endless if i continue.. GOOD LUCK FOR MYE results for those who see this post.. special privilege while visiting my blog. hahaha.. bye bye bye bye!!
♥ It's a typical love story
14 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/14/2007 11:25:00 AM
He Said She Said.
1 dae more. 1 DAE MORE!! n i'm free!! like for how long?? after that still need to get the results one leh. i hate hate hate hate hate hate exams. i wan HOLIDAYS!! i hate results. later some people get good results then muz xuan4 yao4 to the whole class. oo so clever. OMG hate those kinda ppl.
haha. ok la. today. WENT TO SCHOOL!! to take home ec. isn't tt obvious. n then i smsed willy last night cuz stomach pain cant slp. then nth to do oso. then i wished him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! at arnd 12 plus la. very late le. then NO REPLY!! obvious rite? ppl slping. actually wad i said was: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ******, ******** n ***** loves you. no offence!! strictly. haha. then todae 9+ then he replied.
so the msg was:
thnx.. How was ur he exam? Did u rite sth lyk cut e crab, slice e lobster, squeeze e octopus? Haha..
(anw i seriously typed out tis whole msg frm my phone. n guess wad?? i juz realised he spell the e same way as me. hahaha!! weirdo!) so i replied:
yea. how u know? too bad you weren't there. ***** wanted to cry when she knew tat u no need come today. ******** oso. but she got ***** to comfort her. jealous?
then he replied:
rite.. did **** kiss u today? den u vry happy den do all correct? den all ur ans is ****
then i sae: NO! my answer was cut the crap chop e lobster n stuff. wad ****. if i write **** confirm wrong right? then how to get all correct? brainless ****** pig. (willy pig. nt ******)
then he sae:
mayb tt he tchr oso lyk **** den vry happy u write **** n giv u full marks..
then i reply: ya then tat tchr muz be YOU!
then he nvr reply alr. hahaha. wan suan me izzit?? too bad i nt so stupid let u suan ok?? haha. so todae went to class. then alvin came. cuz i ask him to. like guaikia liddat (ermm) then normal stuff. assembly. i was surprised so lil ppl. then suddenly realise is H.E paper. so half of e class nt here. then can anyhow queue. then take paper. quite easy. quite difficult. depends on certain questions. haha. then before assembly cheryl lim was like: 1/2 queue up!! (i dunno is sae wrong or wad) then xiu ming sae: 1/3 shuddup.. then me wan ting was laughing. or me n wing sang?? aiya forget le la. I WAS LAUGHING. tt's e most impt thing. ok then aft paper. went to toilet (mind u its NOT ZILIAN) n then go back to 1/3. mr $$ haven come. so w8ed. talked. finally mr $$ appeared. haha. did some tickling stuff(ehh its nt ME, i was juz the mastermind) LOL. then we walked. then me n ws was like liang jie n liao jie wad meaning?? as in gt wad diff?? then ask SENIOR. SENIOR dunno. ask other ppl. gd lor. clever lor. anyhow ask. u noe hu i'm referring to ya?? best is tt SENIOR is reading this post!! so aft tt w8ed for 86!! WEE!! so long seh. nvm. got some SENIOR toking to me. so nvm. hahahaha. at least nt bored la. haha. i realise tt SENIOR nvr suan me in his blog but i got suan him in my blog. so i juz kip SENIORing to hide some SENIOR's identity. only wing sang, me n tt SENIOR will noe wad hellish crap m i toking(but its easy to guess). ya so reached home. ON COMP!! give up LIT la. it sux!! my file's nt even with me!! ARGHH!! k la. gng 12 le. i SHALL GO N EAT!! yum yum yum yum yum(acting cute here)
a sentence of TWIT:
BYEE pe0ple! muackiiess. lurb ya!!(eeeeeeewwww)
♥ It's a typical love story
12 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/12/2007 11:03:00 PM
He Said She Said.

yea! its her birthday cake!! gigi's birthday!!
i slacked today!! ok la. i studied home ec. 2 units. then play comp le. haha. so pro right? lol. its damn boring these few days. fun ppl(as in lame ppl) always nt online. then how to crap?? walau. i wan my holidays. anw my mum made spoil my sku bag(e sling one) so i actually have to survive with the mickey mouse bag for like 2 daes more. monday n tuesday!! ARGH!! paiseh leh. aiya nvm la. anywae i thursday gng to CANBERRA!! or rather to SEMBAWANG. nt canberra. go there eat eat only la. hahaha. anw i dunno watta blog about la. so bye! so long
♥ It's a typical love story
11 May 2007 ♥
Last footprint@5/11/2007 11:49:00 AM
He Said She Said.
yesterday was gigi's birthday n i bought a cake for her. haha. spongebob n mojo jojo wished her a sweet 5. hahah. anw i took some pictures le. i go use my last tym de bd cake de candles n happy birthday sign. i washed it. then i put it on e bd cake. haha. its cheese cake la. then gigi n bibi each had a slice. e rest i EAT!! hahaha.
todae as usual went to sku. n the bus was funny. 2 bus come at same time. n both r double deckers. so e second bus got 4 ppl i tink. yea its anderson ppl. haha. we rule bus 72!! then i saw xianlong. i culd haf taken e same bus as him if nt because of ALVIN LUI! haha.. anw i oso dowan reach sku so early. damn sian. so i waited. ya n abigail msged. ABIGAIL TAN MICKEY!! I TELL YOU!! I DUN LIKE TT DAMN KWAY CHAP OK!! u go find ur nigel.. he says u're pretty dude.
haha. anw juz now aft exam i went to amk hub. yay! ok la. all shops close. no fun de. went to eat. damn aqua took a pic f me eating. saw dean willy n xianlong. they tried to like scare us?? by BOOING? ermm.. how stupid is that la.. then we watchh part of juz follow law. then went home. hahaha. so lame. then on comp n go frenster. n then blog!! walau damn boring la!! gng let it all out in e hols.. hahahaha.. $$ will be WASTED though
♥ It's a typical love story